what size lionel transformer do i need

But were talking the trains that are in the absolute best condition and might not have ever run on the track. Ive talked more about the Lionel RW and the LW as well. Thanks! Traditionally, Lionel trains run on AC but there are exceptions. [:)]. Then the K's will do siding and switching yard duty. For a passenger train with lighted cars, getting a little more power isnt a bad idea. If you want a station for your trains to stop at, there are both station platforms [#24159] as well as full sized stations [#14257]. Understanding the difference is important in getting the right power supply for your needs. All about the Lionel ZW - The Silicon Underground For a classic setup of a single freight train running on a 48 (or smaller) sheet of plywood, a 90-watt Lionel 1033 or 1044 is an excellent choice. This comes primarily from the locomotive(s) but also from lights and other accessories. Heavier insulation not only adds to the cost of the wire but also makes it harder to bend. Some systems will use bluetooth technology enabling you to control the trains with your tablet or cell phone. With multiple switches, lights, power supplies and more all concentrated in a small space, color coding and neatness pay off. Price Received. I have had the same problem. THE BASICS "O", "S", "HO". OTTS Founder What do I need to do that with? Click here to learn about the Unlimited Membership. Don't just discard your starter set pack, though. However, there are times when the solid wire has advantages, particularly when soldering in small locations. As the motor takes in more electricity, the arm turns faster and faster. On the flip side, the new transformers do not seem to work as well with the prewar whistle tenders.Has anyone else noticed this anomaly? It's expensive, but the same factors that drove KW prices down are also driving ZW prices down. As your layout grows beyond the basic oval of track that comes with most starter sets, a good power distribution network is essential to getting consistent performance from your train all the way around. Likewise, if you only want to run one train at a time, you can keep other trains on the track by wiring with blocks, and turning off trains that are not in use. If your track joints aren't near perfect or if you should want to split that loop into two blocks, you'll double the voltage drop. DCS Power Supplies | MTH ELECTRIC TRAINS Frankly, its hard to go wrong with either of these transformers, especially at todays prices. Transformers are sized by determining the total load required (in amps). Enter your e-mail address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by e-mail. If youre going to run more than one train, you can pair up two smaller transformers, or you can look at the two-handled transformers. Some DCC systems also recommend solid wire for certain applications. It was one of Lionel's more venerable postwar products, lasting on the market for 18 years from 1948 to 1966. An Essential Guide for Toy Train Enthusiasts! These can all have uses for your layout. In some cases. What gauge wire is used for Lionel trains? - Sage-Advices This works for command control layouts too, since those parked trains are still drawing some current. --I need a station for the train to stop at. This thing has more power then I will ever need. Which Lionel transformer do I need? - The Silicon Underground The 190-wattLionel KWwas the second biggest and second best transformer of the postwar era. Model Train Scales & Gauges: The Lionel Trains Guide Lionel has a new 180 watt transformer due out soon that will be a nice upgrade. Extending the Reach of Your Power To participate you must either login or register for an account. I got a lot of lightweight transformers that came with starter sets over the years. Outdoor railroads are, of course, an exception! Everything you need to get going is included, its reliable, and setup is usually very easy. They give a true 180 watts and have excellent electronic breakers. This type of transformer is cheap, its reliable, and its easy to find. This tool only evaluates common voltages for North America (ie. There is the 12030 Figure-8 set, which along with the track included in your set makes your layout into this: Figure-8s are great because they create a crossing, giving the appearance of a railroad junction, they break up the oval, and the parts to create them are relatively cheap. If you add feeders to the track at the farthest point (remember to get the same wire to the same rails) you will not slow down at the farthest point. Lionel Rolling Stock Identification Guide. Then power every other one with one of your smaller transformers. Sell Your Trains Yourself At Train Shows. The old transformer is not really the problem, the problem is the supply wire, particularly under heavyload (or derailment without the benefit of a quicker breaker). I have a 3amp, 40watt transformer. The customer will still need a step down transformer to get the 220V to 110V. Ran 6 motors [MPC's]. Lionel makes two expansion sets for this purpose. Beginners Ask Trains New trains; old transformers. This wire is very fine and can be found in many color combinations. This set also includes an uncoupling track section, which will disconnect cars from one another at the touch of a button, and a bumper, which keeps cars from rolling off the end of the track. Although it will not have any impact on the performance of the wire within, choosing multiple colors of wire, and standardizing on a specific color for each function, will go a long way in making your wiring easier to install and easier to detect flaws later on. A new ZW will run you in the neighborhood of $450.00 or a little less depending on your dealership. If you have the proper wire size and a properly-sized circuit breaker, you should not have any problems using the old transformer. The thing that eats current is a lot of light bulbs on the layout. Sell Your Trains Yourself On eBay. I have a basement that offers an 18" concrete ledge that goes around theentire perimeter of the house that lends itself perfectly to a neat layout. It has FasTrack connectors on one end and O Gauge track pins on the other. I'm sure I'll need more help along the way, so I'll be checking back in with more silly questions! I am assuming that your starter set came with either o27, brown ties, or 031, black ties, track and it runs well as is. Interested in southest Pennsylvania railroads; If youre looking for Lionel transformer comparisons, youve come to the right place. This signifies compatibility with 50 Hertz power. As you progress with your layout there are a lot of people here who will help you with any questions you have. The Lionel motor is a collection of four electromagnetic plates with a rotating sweeper arm called a brush. Like tankist stated.It's only running multiple engines that I run into issues. They have everything you need for a basic setup, and the larger ones are capable of running the smaller layouts you see in the train magazines, so they have some room for growth. I would check yoour connections and wire size, just to be safe. Another classic is the Automatic Gateman. A 10 amp breaker and 16 gauge wire would be appropriate for an old ZW. Lionel, LLC continued to manufacture and market trains and accessories in O scale under the Lionel brand and S gauge under the American Flyer brand. In most cases, stranded wire is preferred because the multiple threads provide more conductivity and flexibility. This means that they are not exact 1:48 replicas of the real thing but instead are selectively compressed to negotiate the tight turns of regular Lionel track. If the system's train transformer is run in Europe with a step-down transformer alone (converting only voltage from 230V to 115V AC at a 50 Hz), it may not operate as intended. A small set that came with track, transformer, etc. (Use buss/feeder lines to distribute power.) Again, if you have a very long run between switches, going a little larger is less likely to cause problems with voltage loss. By continuing to use this site, you indicate you accept these terms. For a 300W set up this will cost you about 100. The Lionel ZW has four sets of posts and six controls. These systems still require a power supply but it only needs to supply a constant voltage to the rails. Many load and unload freight from specially designed cars as well. I've read that it is good practice to add feeders every 10 sections of track or sothat seems like a lot but I suppose that beats having "dead" spots in the track. Serious or fatal injuries may result. You can also minimize voltage drop at the rail joints by soldering the rails together. is always one of the first questions asked when someone starts to build a model railroad. Finally, you'll never receive email notifications about content they create or likes they designate for your content. Replies and comments they make will be collapsed/hidden by default. It is not uncommon to see 50-year-old transformers still going strong on a model railroad. By only supplying power to the trains that need it, you can greatly reduce your needs. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. You must be signed in to continue. Use this index to see additional details about the individual transformers issued by Lionel during the post-war period. That transformer will only prolly handle 1 engine and depending on how long it is will depend on how many extra feeders you will need around the layout. DCC is less common in starter sets, but some are available. Ryan developsmodeltrainlayouts for public andprivate display. Lionel introduced a few LionChief Plus 2.0 starter sets in 2022. To my knowledge, you should have no compatibility issues with a pure sine wave track feed with any major brand locomotive. Classic Toy Trains magazine offers information about toy trains operating and collecting, toy train product news and reviews, toy train layout tips, toy train layout designs and track plans, and more. The 1044 is just a 1033 in a . The smallest wire you can work with will be more than sufficient. The chances are that little power supply isn't going to keep the train running over a full mile, however. That could also be the reason the other transformers don't work. Get the Classic Toy Trains newsletter delivered to your inbox twice a month, WELCOME TO THE FORUM Mike!! It can be a great secondary power supply for lighted buildings, signals, and other accessories. Stop it with your hand to full stall, and it goes up to four amps--sixty watts--trying to pull. Safety first. 5 years of Classic Toy Trains at your fingertips! Most people start with a pre-packaged train set. Regardless of your scale, all model railroad switch machines fall into one of two categories, a slow-motion electric motor or a "twin coil" relay. The larger transformers could operate up to four trains independently. If you have a starter set and have had thoughts like this, youre not alone. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. This would be more than enough for any single train and a few accessories. It does not work with O27. Get updates and special offers via email from Trains.com brands! Lionel makes two expansion sets for this purpose. For a classic setup of a single freight train running on a 48 sheet of plywood, a 90 watt Lionel 1033 or 1042 is an excellent choice. Are you running command or conventional? Like command control, these trains still require a constant voltage to the rails. Over the years I have collected boxed (mostly liquor boxes) sets from attics.So I have a variety of transformers on hand. To participate you must either login or register for an account. Retrofitting a subway line into existing benchwork - and are subway sets still being made? Come join the discussion about brands, various scales, repairs, storage, displays, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Adding more freight or passenger cars [also known as rolling stock] to your set is another way to quickly expand your railroad. That might work, but it's probably borderline, especially if you are using something like a 1033 transformer that tops out at 16 volts. Getting Started - 3 RAIL TRAINS The polarities can be reversed to change the direction of the train. Here at Trainz, we carry all of the products you will need to go from a starter set to a miniature railroad empire. These sets use a remote control which talks directly to a receiver in the locomotive. Classification/marker lights on the PRR steam engine, For Sale: Lionel 6-11127 Legacy Southern Pacific GS-4 Daylight, Lionel Bethlehem Steel slag car and ATLAS NYC Baggage car, Lionel O 2333790 TrainWorld & RBP Trains Chris Raines -Exclusive - Katy LEGACY ES44AC #2021, Converting MTH Rail king GS-4 PROTO 2 to ERR Cruise Commander, The Harpers Ferry Layout II - Backdrop panels completed. There are also numerous static accessories that do not operate but add visual interest to your layout, such as the #24219 girder bridge. Some of the variables are obvious, others not so much. Multi-conductor wires with many strands of finer wire are more common for telecommunications and electronics. A Passenger consist can easily use more power than the engine. Viola, DCS on alternate power blocks, Max signal, Happiness. --Toy Train Collecting and Operating, by John Grams. The two types of cars will connect together just fine, but when side-by-side in a train, they may look a bit odd. * NOTE: We do not recommend loading a transformer above 80% of its KVA rating. My question is.how big of a transformer will I need to power this thing? Transformer Size Calculator - Electram All members here are welcome to drop in and visit. IF the Engineer is the guy that drives the locomotive then theTechnician must be the fireman is this correct? Get 20 articles about compact layouts and how to build them. The Best Technical and Innovative Podcasts you should Listen, Essay Writing Service: The Best Solution for Busy Students, 6 The Best Alternatives for WhatsApp for Android, The Best Solar Street Light Manufacturers Across the World, Ultimate packing list while travelling with your dog. Because the runs are short and power demands so low, this fine wire poses no safety threat. Sign up for new product releases, promotions, and more. I'll take this information and run with it to help get me started. The Lionel ZW is Lionel's most iconic transformer of the 1950s and 1960s, and perhaps one of its most iconic products, period. The Lionel Multi-control 1033 is a 90 watt transformer produced from 1948 to 1956. My question is this in order that this doesn't happen again what type of transformer would you recommend? 12V DC to 120V AC 60Hz pure sine inverter. With two switches, you can create an alternative route for your trains. Lionel 1033 90 watt Transformer Postwar from 1950s-60s Whistle, Direction. Big Ed Railroad Tycoon Calculating transformer size for layout size - Classic Toy - Trains How to Properly Size a Transformer | Behler-Young Of course, the answer to that question depends on many things. For instance, a 100 kilovolt-ampere transformer with 8.32 kilovolts (or less) on the high side has a typical value of 2.6% impedance. This is why my wife loves me so. If you want a spur track to store an extra car or two, Lionel makes another expansion set [#12044] that does just that: Note that this set includes one switch which is the track section that makes the track diverge onto two separate routes. no it isn't. Great for learning all you will ever want to know about Lionels track system. Dave, the nice thing about Lionel transformers is you can run them until the bimetallic breaker pops and then you let it cool and you are back in action (after shutting a few things down)! You can use bus and feeder wires to more evenly distribute the power over your track. For Lionel power the 45 watts is good for a 4 by 8 as a rule of thumb to compensate poor track you just use more feeders. And of course, individual Fastrack sections are also available. Problem with Rail King Protocol Sounds reversing unit, My D-190 Back in Action After Move to to NC, Caboose Identification - late era vintage, Continuing Saga Newtown Hardwrare House WIP. The car on the left is scale, and the one on the right is the classic, underscale size. However, in the future if you continue in the hobby and your roster expands you may acquire motive power which requires larger curves than what came with your set. HO trains are very durable and are made with high quality parts and pieces to ensure the longevity of the Lionel train brand! www.spankybird.shutterfly.com, God bless TCA 05-58541 Benefactor Member of theNRA, Member of the American Legion, Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville , KC&D Qualified. This diagram shows all of the controls and the pinout for the Lionel RW transformer. All Lionel transformer comparisons should start here. Of course, if you happen to have enough Number12 wire left over from a home renovation project to install all the buses on your small layout, it won't do any harm. You have pretty much pointed up the major problem, everything is different. Do not use this device if water is present. They are known as HO train sets because they are half the size of O-guage. Well Mike what I am about to suggest may be a little pricy or at least it was for me but I have managed to buy a new Lionel ZW. Connecticut Valley Railroad -- A Branch of the New York, New Haven, And Hartford. Why Sign In? Starter set locomotives can pull up to 12 cars easily, and most can handle up to 20, so building a longer train will not harm your engine. At fifteen volts which is about as much as I can put to it without jumping the track, it pulls an average of 2.5 amps, or 37.5 watts--less than one tenth of the transformer capacity of 400. If this happens, you will need another transformer to share the load. If you fried a wire going to the track it may not be a transformer problem. 10 Easy Ways to Improve a Christmas Train Display, Wiring a Model Railroad for Block Operation, How to Build and Wire Reverse Loops for Model Trains, How to Choose the Right Transformer for Your Model Trains, Compatibility of Different Model Train Brands, HO Scale Track Plans for Model Train Layouts, buildings, streets, and other scenic accessories. Mint-in-box examples of vintage Lionel trains are still valuable and will continue to appreciate in value over time, because there are so few of them. Digital command control systems (DCC) uses digital information to control the electrical power to the train. At fifteen volts which is about as much as I can put to it without jumping the track, it pulls an average of 2.5 amps, or 37.5 watts--less than one tenth of the transformer capacity of 400. Most feeders will be only a few inches long so the smaller diameter wire will not be a problem. Controlled Magnetics has the manufacturing experience, knowledge, and facilities to repair a wide variety of electrical power transformers.