north natomas crime

The suspect got on eastbound 80 and reached speeds over 100 MPH. The victim said that his truck was broke into 1-2-20 and a backpack with the keys to his Toyota were inside. There were no victims located in the residence. Officers responded to a subject living in an RV. Officers conducted a traffic stop for 5200 VC. Officers observed a # of subjs loitering on the above corner. They later observed the vehicle commit a violation and conducted a traffic stop. At the request of the crossing guard, he worked speed on Marysville Blvd in front of the school when kids were present. After being photographed in place, the rifle was found to be .223 caliber and have a loaded 30 round magazine. Officer sprang into action as the suspect then jumped to his feet but was apprehended. Suspects then rummaged one of the bedrooms taking a small amount of cash and took a couple of bottles of alcohol before leaving the scene. Nedbalo was booked at SCMJ and Lincoln PD will follow-up on their case while he is in custody. (Arrested: Savon Johnson, 1/21/93 for 245 PC). Suspects were arrested for firearms charges:. S2 struck the victim on the head with the handgun. SPD received a 7-round ShotSpotter activation at 200 Danville Way. The MBA (V) rides a lark and the (S) stole his fanny pack which contained money. NGET units and 2 K9s assisted inconducting a surround and callout, and got (S) outside and detained without incident. She was brought outside and statement was obtained. Unknown if anything taken. A MBA in his mid twenties with a neon shirt was standing near the rear door of a grayAcura. While officers conducted their investigation, the school was placed on lockdownbut lifted aftera short time. The driver was arrested for auto theft. Victim was in the backseat of the vehicle. 2A/Del Paso Heights/3600 Block of Rio Linda/927P-(Fugitive Arrested)/1409 hours/19-84202The FBI JTTF (Det. 901 report was completed and MCIU was advised. : PD received a call from an alarm company after they received an activation at a residence and could see a mwa exiting via camera. A small amount of methamphetamine was located on him and based on his behavior he appeared to be under the influence of methamphetamine. Shortly after, the suspect surrendered and was taken into custody without incident. Suspect was contacted and taken into custody without incident. Officers took this 211 report due to Officers Russian speaking skills. K9 responded to clear the building with neg results. Announcements were made and K9 units started a search. R/Os responded to a report of a subject who had thrown a brick at a moving car. Upon contact the passenger was found to have 2 Fel No Bail warrants and the driver had a 50K misdo. During a follow-up of the investigation, R/Os were able to figure out where the gf lived, but she was not cooperative with R/Os entering the residence based on a 927s call from the night before. Stambaugh was hailed by a witness who was watching a male attempting to get into the front door of Kinney by way of picking the door lock. While detaining the subjects, two of them fled. A group of unruly teenagers causing multiple 415s in the theater (Regal Cinema), started an argument with the victim and his date while watching a movie. He was taken into custody for 10851 VC. K95 made K9 announcements and the subject in the bushes surrendered to officers. CSI responded to print the jewelry cabinets that were tampered with and the exit fire escape door. The driver immediately initiated a pursuit at high speeds through several residential streets. 20-24052/ 901A/ Northgate and W.El Cam/ 1C/ 0101 hrs. A perimeter was established. The suspect was taken into custody safely and without injury. North Natomas C.A 95835 Thursday, January 24, 2013 They use sound as a weapon! The victim drove away but was followed by the suspect in awhite Oldsmobile, or possibly a Lincoln Towncarwith an unknown plate. While officers were detaining one of the suspects they located a small semi-auto handgun in his front waistband. Additional officers respondedto assist and contact witnesses. He had one of our newer style holsters on; flip top locking device. Eventually, themale removed his hands and was detained without further incident. Graveyard officers were providedinformation and photos of the suspects and a basic vehicle description. 19-253247 / 927P / 14 Yerba Ct. / 1C / 1206 Hrs. Victim was parked along Sunland Liquor on Fairfield St. when he was approaced by a FBA who was armed with a handgun who had a MBA waiting nearby. The veh and its solo driver were found in foot and half deep water that had collected between the roadway and RR tracks. Sgt. 2B / Resisting Arrest UOF / Del Paso Blvd & Pilgrim Ct / 1604 hours. Based on the officers injuries, the suspect was taken into custody and booked for 69 PC as well as the pursuit. Crime and fear of crime threaten a community's well-being -people become afraid to use streets and parks, suspicion erupts between young and old, businesses gradually leave. Both subjects were detained without incident and a subsequent search of the vehicle yielded an additional high capacity magazine along with a half-pound of marijuana, scales, baggies, and a large sum of cash. Officers retraced his path of travel and found the victims property as well as a replica firearm bb gun. Vehicle drove past the dead end and towards the levee area where it came to rest. A buyer than went by X contacted the seller and they agreed to meet at the above location. Once officers arrived, they found a total of 8 vehicles that had been broken into. Follow-up continues. The resident admitted he knew that the upstairs apartment was lived in and made no effort to see if they were okay, as well as knowing the rifle was not in compliance. Patrol responded to a report of a MWA switching plates between two Chevy trucks at this location. 2ndvictim had a gunshot wound to his stomach and was also alert and talking. : K913 broadcast a POD hit at the above location. *Our Impact Team has started several large transient clean ups in the area of Natomas Crossing / Truxel. Results: 44 vehicle stops, 32 cites, 7 tows, -General enforcement at El Camino/Del Paso. Officers were utl any casings or objects struck by gunfireon scene. The victim lost a significant amount of blood and transported to UC Davis. Officers were able to identify the suspect. Suspect was arrested for 245, 664/211, 69 and his PAL warrant. . Officers responded and located the MP safe and sound. A private security guard making rounds, observed a 927 subj on a bike in the rear parking lot of the apartment complex. Officers tracked down the female and recognized the person with her to be the other suspect in the case. Officers stopped the DUI vehicleon Sextant Wy/ Dry Dock Wy without incident. MCIU was advised of the event and patrol handled the preliminary investigation. This time the (S) stole a single swisher style cigarette and left. 17 yrold victim was passing through a transient camp near the Market when confronted by MWAhomeless subject for trespassingin his camp. 19-316823/ 415/ 500 block Jessie Ave/ 2A/ 2029 hrs. After a round of the name game and a little sleuth work, the reason for his deceitful waysbecame clear. 20-130360/ 187/ 1800 block Club Center Dr/ 1A/ 2230 hrs, See News Release, 20-122137 / 484 Porch Theft /5966 Bridgecross Dr /1A / 1444hrs. He was arrested for 11377 and a probation violation. 1B27 and 1B29 responded to this rpt of a veh 901ing off Roseville Rd near Marconi. 3MBJs, 16-18,wearing hooded sweatshirts. The suspect was the first to exit, followed by his wife and daughter. The 2 suspects were taken into custody and numerous laptops and tablets were located in the vehicle. Officers executed the warrant on the suspects home. MCT Officer conducted follow up on a power theft at the above location, as it was reported by SMUD. The driver was a known probationer who officers have contacted at this location before. Officers arrived and located the subjects in the chicken coop, the subjects on scene were determined to be involved, but they were uncooperative. The male was arrested for his PAL warrant and transported to jail. Due to the proactive stops, the reckless driving stopped and the crowd dispersed. The victim described the suspect as: Male black, 30s, bald head wearing a blue shirt & red shorts. Moments later, Monicas husband arrived and pointed a handgun at the victim. The subjects were detained but it appeared that they had just rolled up to the vigil. Officers checked the area with negative results. The Suspect left through the same hole he entered. When he realized that was a bad idea he tried to hop a fence in the backyard and right into K9 Handlers hands where he was detained without incident. Due to the resident having a violent criminal history (192 PC)and guns registered to another resident, SWAT assisted with the warrant. The subject was located and immediately surrendered without any use of force. Officer Finley attendeda Gardenland Community meeting on 9/12 and fielded many questions from members. Officers got a key from management and made entry. Originally this call came in last friday morning but the comp requested it be held until today. When officers arrived, they found that the child was actually with his mother and that both of them had recently arrived from Idaho. 19-327633 /245 / 4900 block Natomas Blvd / 1549 hrs / 1A. We transported her to the downtown area to get checked in at the hotel. Officers located him on foot nearby. Then X pulled handgun and took the phone. Following up on their traffic stop from the previous shift where two subjects were taken into custody for mail theft, Officers responded to the neighborhoods where the mail had been taken. As units continued to look for a scene, CHP officers located spent shell casings on the freeway south of the black Lexus. The driver was uninjured but shaken up emotionally from the incident. The driver was found to be DUI. The vehicle is a gray colored 2017 Nissan Versa, XXXXXXX. (V) was selling a tablet online and agreed to meet at the above location. The 459 was said to have occurred between 1100-1200 hrs. 19-316871/ 480/ Arden and Heritage/ 2C/ 2123 hrs. Attempts were made to locate possible victims of theft to no avail. The subject admitted to being the suspect in the picture, but declined to make a statement. 19-227551 and 19-227566/ 245T / 3842 E. Commerce Way / 1A / 1320 Hrs. Units initiated a pursuit, which traveled N/B Natomas Blvd. 19-19-403497 Marysville Blvd / Alamos Ave. TSTOP 0133 Hrs 2B. Approx 30 minutes after the above attempt robbery, the same two suspects entered the store and proceeded to the pharmacy located within. Officers contacted a subject in the area who happened to be on probation. SSD Air unit responded and assisted while ground units provided GPS updates. Community Outreach: Motors attended an OTS distracted driving event at Inderkum HS on 4/12. The son repeatedly cut himself on both arms and then his neck causing bleeding. A very lengthy 459 investigation ensued with Officer and CSO coordinating with detectives on the case. He followed the car into the shopping center and located it parking in front of Starbucks. Upon arrival they located the vehicle crashed into some bushes with nobody inside. It was also discovered that prior to this incident this same subject had committed an arson at Grant High School causing over $10, 000 worth of damage. As a result of the collision, the vehicles gas tank leaked gas all over the road and into the storm drain. As officer continued to give him instructions, he ran back tothe house, knocked on the door and was let in by an unseen individual. UPDATE: Vehicle was located in Chico by Chico PD and suspects taken into custody. Call came in from a neighbor, stating that several cars were getting broken into in this parking lot by 3 teenagers, who took off running into the woods nearby. The suspects went through his pockets but did not get anything. Officer Monelo responded to a POD alert where he took a subject into custody for an embezzled vehicle. He did not provide much information, but Officer Brown was able to identify the serial number of the firearm that was stolen. 19-384520 / 459 / 4500 block Pell Dr / 2A / 1907 hrs. 19-391151//Rio Linda Blvd/Lampasas Ave//Gun Arrest//2B//1748hrs. Officers arrived on scene and began speaking to the MHA, who was later identified. There was also an arrest in the homicide that occurred on September 21, 2019, at approximately 3:45 p.m., in the area of North Ave and Rio Linda Boulevard. The subjects took a pack of gum before being scared off by the alarm. Suspect is current on PRCS for preparing false evidence (PC 134), and has a no bail warrant for PRCS violation. Upon looking at the evidence it appeared the suspect was able to break through the dry wall into the rear office area of the business. SFD responded and pronounced the rider deceased, and an MCIU callout was initiated. 20-48945: 459 auto related traffic stop: Northgate/ West El Camino: 1647hrs. 20-42636 / 480 @ Rio Linda Blvd. 20-47720, Harris Ave. / Disk Dr., 148 arrest (2A). 19-257029 / burglary & felony assault / 3600 block El Dala Ln / 0259 hours (1A). -Distracted driving along the El Camino corridor. The two occupants were arrested and booked at Jail. Officers seized scales, indicia for the residents and a large amount of cash. Kraintz and Sandoval spotted a subject (MBA-6 ft. all black clothing) who resembled the outstanding suspect from a 459.5/211 PC at the Grocery Outlet on 2/26/19. Officers observed some sideshow participants getting ready to meet up and exhibit speed. Officers also attemptedto catch up to the suspect vehicle but were unable to. During a search of the vehicle officers located an ID. 1527 hrs., a MWA in a black SUV was traveling S/B on Truxel Rd. Officers searched the residence and back yard with negative results for a possible suspect. -Casella was present at H. Allen Height Elementary in the afternoon. Det McMillin advised he will be working to get (S) Davis confirmed as the (S) with storage facility prop mgr. 19-145257 / 1951 Bell Ave / 2A / 927-459 / 2205 hours. Officers spoke with community members about on-going issues in the 1B area, and handed out safety brochures and SPD swag. The case is being investigated by NCU. He was taken into custody without further incident. Arrested: Charges: 23152(A)&(B) VC, 2002(A) VC. Nothing was taken in this incident. MHA suspect then jumped back into the suspect vehicle where it was last seen w/b South Ave. Earlier in the day portable propane banks were stolen from the business. : PD received several calls at this intersection regarding a hit and run, with a motorcyclist down. The victim was at Mamma Marks park to do a child custody exchange with his girlfriends ex. (high 901s per Crime Analysis), -General enforcement on Marysville from North to Arcade. This is a chronic 602 spot with past 928/warrant/gun contact history. He was booked for 10851 VC. CSO Singh followed the smoke to the above area where he was flagged down by witnesses pointing to the suspect who was walking away. After conducting a walk-thru of the business, it was determined that the business had been 459d. The driver asked the victim for directions and as the victim looked into the car she sat the suspect exposing himself. It was discovered that the truck had over $10,000 in performanceupgrades. Officers began checking for a scene on Albatross Way. Based on his training and experience, Officer quickly recognized that this Starbucks was not open for business. After running the VIN, the vehicle returned as a SPD stolen vehicle and driver was detained without incident. While the FBA was taking the vehicle, the MBA went through the victims pockets, taking a cell phone, and the victims wallet. She continued to be belligerent and uncooperative even after being strapped to the SFD gurney. 19-225730/ 273.5/ 2400 block of Judith Resnik Ave/ 1A/ 0345. Officers responded to a call of a male was walking around with a firearm containing a 30 round magazine. The owner watched on his surveillance camera as three suspects then ran in and stole the safe. The family was cooperative and consented to letting officers search the residence. Officers responded to a single vehicle injury collision. He was found to have an outstanding felony warrant for 480 PC and 476 PC. NCU is investigating. Both the SUV and trailer were towed. Officers recovered video from Marshalls that shows the incident. 19-412170 / 2100 block Zurlo Way (1A) / 921s / 0758 hrs. RPD recovered two firearms during their investigation, but Pellandini got away. 2B / POD Stolen Vehicle / Rio Linda & Eleanor / 1604 hours / 19-73468. today. He was identified the suspect in another business 459 On Pell Cir from 9/25/19. Cheap North Natomas Apartments for Rent from $1000 | Sacramento, CA It appeared that the vehicle was hit from behind and a bullet went over three childrens heads (3,3,and 5) that were sitting in the backseat, just missing their mother in the drivers seat, and lodged into the dashboard. Crime in Natomas Park - Sacramento, CA Crime Map | SpotCrime (CHP Stolen). In the phone were pictures of the stolen Glock handgun which were taken on the date of the burglary. Officers ran a records check of the gun and determined it was stolen. Officer observed a subject driving in the area with vehicle code violations. A consent search of their apartment which was just in front of the stop yielded a Glock 17, (2) loaded 33 round magazines, and (1) ten round magazine. The suspect gave PD consent to look in his cell phone. Officer conducted an enforcement stop on a vehicle with temporary plates. Suspect has been identified and is wanted on multiple charges. 19-234959 / Foot Pursuit / Taylor Lindsay / 1422 hrs / 2A. He took off on foot with the drawer and an undisclosed amount of cash with him. The victim is 78 years old. Officers, along with SPD K9, conducted an area search for the suspect with negative results. Investigating officers located a bullet hole in the cab. Officers located the suspicious car on scene and contacted the two subjects inside. Victim believes this occurred at approx. The passenger in the suspect car had brandished a firearm at the victims. Suspect dragged the bike several blocks before it dislodged. 20-49214, Rio Linda Blvd. 19-305873 Disturbance 2500 New Market Dr 1434hrs. GNG78 responded to assist with the vehicle. Sgt MacAulay did a great job of supervising a hectic crime scene as officers responded from the entire city. Officers did follow-up at the business, reviewing surveillance footage and observed both arrive in the vehicle. 19-342038 / 2400 block Del Paso Blvd (2B) / SStop / 1043 hrs. The employee began to follow the suspect when the suspect said here and threw down a bag containing over $300 in cash. The kids gave a vague vehicle and suspect description. Using a vehicle, the suspects backed up to the front door of the business, attached a chain to the exterior security grates and forced them off. Units responded to this location for a two vehicle collision with injuries. One of the suspects ties a chain/rope on the ATM thats bolted to the ground as the other goes back to a vehicle parked just outside the exterior glass door. I located the subjects as they attempted to cross the bike trail. Officers arrived and made contact with the subject who was on probation. All Officers, CSOs, and CSI on the call did a great job containing the two large scenes, collecting evidence, and thoroughly investigating the incident. The phone was not trackable. D2 and D1 officers responded to this weapons call where the niece of the comp had stabbed or attempted to stab comps husband. One victim had had a black Quad ATV taken which Officer believed was parked there next to the 971. Ofc. Inside the suspect vehicle was a large amount of freshly cut marijuana trees, packaged marijuana buds, and a large amount of methamphetamine. The laptop was not located as the suspect may have thrown it out during the pursuit, however the GPS tag was still in the suspect vehicle which is why we were able track their location. Officers responded for a vehicle versus bicyclist collision. Today, they went to the school to spend recess with the kids. 19-376597 / 502 / 4200 block Raley Blvd / 2A / 1457 hrs. During the investigation, a related female arrived at Mercy San Juan with a GSW to the butt and leg. Officers wrote a search warrant into the residence. Based on the possibility that the residence may be involved in the homicide and there might be outstanding victims, a patrol level surround and callout was conducted to do a welfare check and sweep of the residence. The driver the driver exited the truck and crawled underneath it. Officer conducted a traffic stop on a dark 4-door sedan with n lights on. The subject has been harrasing his ex-girlfriendand continually sleeps in her unsecured vehicle at night. To start off, Captian Oliveira wanted to let you know the suspect who robbed the banks listed below in August was identified through forensic evidence and arrested this week by SPDs PRCS Team. The driver failed to yield and a vehicle pursuit ensued. Tara OSullivan / 200 Block of Redwood Ave. Officers responded to this residence to assist a woman gather her belongings after a DV (Domestic Violence) incident earlier in the day. Detectives were contacted and they advised XX was a person of interest in the related burglary. 19-90428 / 459 Business / 4300 Block of Raley Blvd / 2A / 0053 hrsA security guard responded to an alarm call and noticed a hole in the door large enough for entry. A records check would reveal she was a alsoprobationer with a No Bail FEL warrant out of LA and MISD warrant out of Gardena both for larcenous activity. Inside officers located a loaded revolver and a spent casing. Based on this information the scene appeared to be on Business 80 and the investigation was turned over to CHP. There were two occupants in the vehicle. Ofc. and Hwy 99 / 1A / 1233 Hrs. The victim pulled away and kept walking. Officers did an outstanding job setting up a contact team and talking to the male. Woo located the vehicle as it began going westbound on I-80 from Northgate. The (S) could barely perform FSTs. Canvass did not reveal any additional witnesses or cameras. The gun was also located. A felony stop was conducted on the vehicle and the driver and sole occupant of the vehiclewas detained. At approx. Officers met with the public, talkedwith them about problems in the area and handed out SPD swag. Both Brown and Davis were on probation and a search of the 971 they were in yielded many likely items of 496; 9 laptops or tablets, a new drone, portable speakers etc. Multiple shots were heard shortly after activating ShotSpotter. He was booked on carrying a loaded firearm concealed on his person. She refused to let officers in to check, saying the house was not hers and the owner of the house and just left. 19-358136 / 503REC @ Raley and Bell / 2A 0636 Hrs. Officers did a great job forming a contact team, calling him down and detaining him without incident. 20-17107, 2400 block Manning St., Battery with injuries (2C). Citizens can view the reported crimes on a map or in a table. The driver was arrested for 11377 HS, 2800.2 VC, and DUI. 19-219976 / 459T / 1100 block of Edmonton Dr. / 1C / 1237 Hrs. RPD remained #1 in the pursuit with 1B23, K91 & K98 assisting. Both suspects fled on foot. Officers conducted a subject stop at this location. 46 plants were seized and an AP fine was issued. Crime in Natomas Park - Sacramento, CA Crime Map. Officerspursued the vehicle. Officer was hailed by a citizen stating that a green Dodge Durango had just hit a couple of parked cars and took off. They attempted to contact the subject who immediately ditched his backpack and fled. Upon being placed under arrest, the male passenger confessed, claiming some type of self-defense. (916) 571-6742 check availability. Officers located two scenes and two victims that were shot. 20-129029 / 1400 block Pebblestone Way / 1B. The 10851 vehicle was a white BMW. Dist 1 officers attended the monthly community meeting at Valley View Acres and the Protect & Soft Serve event at the McDonalds,3773Northgate Blvd. Daniels was booked for 273.5, 273.6, 459, 1203.2, possession of a stolen firearm, and being a felon in possession of a firearm. Vehicle was evidence impounded. Officers conducted a subject stop at the above location. I am considering relocating to the North Natomas Area. It was determined the driver was DUI and had her two teenage kids in the car. The victim followed the suspect, assuming he was going to stop and exchange info. Patrol units responded and contacted (S) Thomason driving the truck, with two additional passengers. Holding blk handgun. NGET officers responded to the intersection with limited information regarding a male brandishing a gun then placing it in his back pocket. (Arrested: Jullian Randle, 9/26/92), Employees at the Quick Stop called to report a male being assaulted with a baseball bat in the parking lot. The driver was arrested for felony DUI and booked into jail. 20-29621 / 447 / Winters St & Tri Stations Rd / 2214 hrs / 2A. 20- 13993 1600 block Arden Way SSTOP 1801 Hrs 2C. She also advised we could not call the owner because the owner was deaf. Arrested: Darrol McMurray 7/27/83. Officer observed a Toyota Camry traveling blacked out N/B Marysville / Roanoke and got behind the vehicle. After being unable to locate the suspect the perimeter was C10d by SSD. A premise history was put on the 925 re the (Ss) behavior. The van returned stolen out of Yuba City. The pursuit terminated outside the gates at Kinney, when the suspect voluntarily surrendered. Arson investigator A. Nokes (Arson 3) responded to take over the investigation into the source of the fire and the resulting propane explosions. 19-90203 / SHOTS / 2500 Block of Oakmont St / 1954 hoursOld North Sacramento (2B)7-round activation where officers located 5- 9mm casings and a witness stating they saw a MBA running w/b over the bike trail. With its booming population growth, Nort. He was booked for 647f PC and 11350 HS. Upon arrival, a white van was fully inside the building. The male was on PRCS for meth sales and firearms possession. Two IDs belonging to recent 459 auto victims as well as gift cards recently purchased from the nearby Walgreens (as indicated by a recent receipt) were located. Officer Wong and I attended the Hagginwood Elementary Schools celebration of Heros Day where they rolled out the red carpet to welcome their students arriving at school who were asked to dress up as their favorite super hero. The narcotics were secured in a time delay safe an no narcotics were actually stolen. Officers responded to occupied residence regarding a report of a ringing alarm with a glass break. Sacramento police officers were investigating a shooting Friday afternoon after a driver was found wounded following a single-car crash in the North Natomas area. On that day suspect was not home. Duringa search of a residence, officers located a loaded pistol and 2 boxes of the same ammunition that wasfound on scene. The caller then stated that he was going to kill himself and hung up. During a consent search of subjects vehicle, officers located a Beretta .380 on the floorboard of the rear passenger side. The victim reported that a known female transient had thrown a rock at him, causing a cut on his cheek. POP is conducting follow up. The victim was arguing with a known subject over money owed. The suspect was booked into custody. Employees advised several pairs of shoes appeared to have been taken but they would need to do inventory to determine how much was taken. Officers found that (V) had suffered contusions and a fracture to her orbital bone. The following morning officers and detectives converged on the suspects location. Upon arrival the suspect barricaded himself inside the residence. The decision was made to proceed with a SWAT call out. The male suspect also admitted to his part in the 459 and was taken into custody by SNCU. Officers conducted a neighborhood canvas of the area and no witnesses or functional cameras were located. The comp saw the IB (19-409625) recently and thought that he recognized the person from the picture. 20-46933 / 921P / 1500 block Response Rd / 2354 hrs / 2C. Housing and Dangerous Buildings was called out due to a large amount of violations including un-permitted sheds in the backyard, faulty electrical wiring andthe SMUD panel being altered. SSD K98 and SPD K913 also responded to the scene to assist. The vehicle was evidence impounded. After a few more minutes of trying to de-escalate the situation the subject agreed to climb back over the fence.