hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base

The other is an armoured train, more on which below. Have the division railroad to the nearest port and then shift right click on the target port to queue naval transport option. The level of supply available in a province is made up of three different sources Hub Supply, "Aerial Supply" and State Supply. All rights reserved. The total draw on the supply capacity of a supply hub. What does pausing the AI do in Hearts of Iron 4? Transport Planes are used to stage paradrops with Paratrooper divisions. Population adds supply on a diminishing scale from 0.01 supply per province in a state of 30.000 people, to 4.25 supply per province in a state with 23.6 M people. It also does not work with other troops, regardless of army assignment or location. what is the rarest hoi4 achievement - legal-innovation.com ITT: People who didn't read the article and think HoI4 just became Civ5. Provinces received supply from all hubs in range. One is an unarmoured austerity train which does the same job as the base model, but at a cheaper price (50 MIC instead of 70). How do I align things in the following tabular environment? Unable to Stream Audio via OBS Studio for HoI 4. Note, however, that if youre fighting on allied territory, you cant use the state supply system. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. The train requirements for a hub can be seen in the tooltip for that hub. The four means by which hub supply can be improved are by: Note that the first three methods (motorization, increase the rail connection level and increasing the level of infrastructure) all stack on top of each other - so a an un-motorized supply hub in a state with level 1 infrastructure and a level 1 rail connection would have the shortest possible supply range, while a fully motorized hub with level five infrastructure and a level 5 rail connection would have the longest possible range. Attack (with a higher max penalty for units defending (-50%) than units attacking (-20%)). Any advice? Transport Planes are used to stage paradrops with Paratrooper divisions. Make sure they're idle when it is recreated to be sure. This can be further extended for Marine divisions if they are lead by a general with the Amphibious. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. my friend is dumb that's why I made this. I have plenty of ships in the area required naval superiority along the route, plenty of air cover (I've already completely occupied Britain), full intelligence, the planning period is complete, etc. If there are less trains than the network requires, there will be a reduction in hub supply available to divisions drawing it. on Paradox technology, Legal Tooltip says: "There are no units assigned to this order.". Posted by 1 year ago. The amount of supply a division requires for full supply is based on a range of elements, including the line battalions, the support battalions (logistics battalions reduce overall supply use), weather and the capabilities of their commanders. Questions, Paradox Independent Financial Advisor Payouts, If it is from the harbor of a puppet you have to call the puppet into the war. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. As a front advances into enemy territory, enemy-held rail lines and hubs may come under friendly control. #8. qwe229a. A level one railway connecting a hub to the capital provides 15 maximum supply from that hub, while a level one port connected to the capital by a railway also provides 15. 1.0 = no bonus. scatterbrain2015 2 yr. ago. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. TL;DR: transports have basically been merged into the convoy system. That wikilink posted by safe-keeper is good. If you have armoured trains available in your inventory, they will automatically be used before other train types. I am taking this from Dustinl796 [1]. Should be 3 squares) This most likely problem is that you only have the first tech which means only 10 divisions can launch 1 naval invasion. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Information, Frequently Asked New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dr. Derrys fremstilling af det to-mneders felttog i Norge i 1940 er den frste officielle fremstilling, der fremkom efter krigsafslutningen. Talking about reinforcements and non aggressive movements. I have set everything up and can see the arrow going to the target but I just cannot assign any divisions. This is one of the few areas where submarines excel; only capital ships can match their range for invasions: Remove "random state" infrastructure rewards from focuses and allow us to place the reward upgrades manually. Each tile of railway costs 170 CIC, +130 CIC for each existing railway level (to a maximum of level 5), so its relatively quick and cheap to lay a level 1 railway down, but a long level 5 railway is a serious industrial undertaking. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Why cant you just hold down control or alt to force naval transit or vice versa like in EU4? The single most resonant and carefully imagined book of Dicks career. Right amount of troops (controlled by your transport tech). The risk of moving your troops by sea is that if you don't have control of the sea zones you're moving through your convoys will be intercepted and destroyed and you will very quickly lose all your divisions. With the first naval invasion tech, you can only transport 10 units. I can do it by moving a unit to a port & then selecting the port I want it to go to when there is no land connection but how do I do it when there is a land connection? I cannot move ANY troops across any water to any province, only by land. Note that if the convoy route supplying the port is raided, the amount of supply provided will be reduced until the route has recovered its capacity. Be mindful that each level of infrastructure costs 6000 CIC such that four levels of infrastructure in one state cost more than a new supply hub. 5. #8. qwe229a . So I'm playing a Hungary and have taken over Yugoslavia and mainland Greece and want to invade Crete (I am also at war with the Western allies). If an air unit is flying a mission and is not at 100% supply, it will have a malus on efficiency due to its reduced supply level. Naval base - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis To transport them between friendly ports, have them first move to a province with a port, and then order them to move to another port province by clicking the harbour icon (the anchor). I'm literally punching the desk out of frustration that I can't move troops from Italy down to Ethiopia to help in the war. Ships are grouped into fleets. Press J to jump to the feed. Like manpower, the rate of fuel resupply slows if a unit is not fully supplied. The final of the three pillars of the supply system is aerial supply. For instance, I set up an amphibious invasion plan for a port along the southern coast of China. This book is a history of the modern U.S. Navy. However, unlike manpower, fuel supply stops entirely once the supply state is sufficiently poor. Now, I can't. Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string, Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. r/hoi4 on Reddit: Why are my transport planes not getting assigned to There are three elements to be mindful of when looking at hub supply: In most situations, at time of writing, the most common supply issues are based on insufficient supply in a given province, rather than insufficient total hub supply capacity. (MtG did away with the manual rebasing of a specific home base from which to calculate range.) Views: 0 Screenshot from 2022-02-17 10-17-46.png . The supply mapmode shades each province by its supply situation. Now, that doesn't work, even on loading. What is the timeline of Hearts of Iron 4? Question. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. I get two notices from my cursor: "Cannot transport to a non-naval base location" when hovered over land in Default map mode and "Our fleet does not have access to this region" when using Naval map mode. Air Base construction speed: +15.00% Naval Base construction speed: +15.00% Radar Station construction speed: +15.00% Rocket Site construction speed: +15.00% Nuclear Reactor construction speed: +15.00% In order to have a strong nation, we cannot rely only on the Metropolitan Army. I. Needs to be on a coastal region and takes up a shared construction slot. I tried to add one tank division and were unable to confirm invasion. Recently, I finished the "War with China" focus so I could start that up. Supply grace and stored supply refer to the same thing, which is the amount of supply greater than 100% that will be stored by a division if it is in a fully supplied province. That gave me a valid war goal, though I have not declared war with China yet. Why buy a book you can download for free? However, supply flowing from a province in a level one infrastructure state to another bordering province in the same level one infrastructure state, will flow as if it was level one infrastructure. herculoids gloop and gleep sounds 5. Right amount of troops (controlled by your transport tech). How to force naval transport? : r/hoi4 - reddit.com Once the total supply required is more than that available, the units affected will experience penalties (more on that below). What is the correct way to screw wall and ceiling drywalls? You are using an out of date browser. I am a very confused new player How do I transport troops overseas? Aug 3, 2016 @ 6:17pm or we have no access there #7. equinox1911. I can't figure out how to get them on a boat for sea travel from Europe to India. Some franchises and games of note: Stellaris, Europa Universalis, Imperator: Rome, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria and Cities: Skylines. click on the army commander and you'll see on the left a naval invasion icon, click on that and choose the starting port, then right click on the invasion site, then wait while your units prepare, then click on the go button to start the invasion, Yeah, I've done that, but it still says '0/0 Convoys available for troop transport', Have you checked if you can pass the straight at Turkey? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A newly-captured hub will only be functional once it is connected by converted railroads, and it wont be connected until every province has had the required number of days under friendly control to convert. A fine book: meticulous, judicious, incisive. I've been trying to invade Iceland and Greenland for about 8 in-game months now, with small contingents. Things to be mindful of when thinking about the impact of terrain and weather are: Unlike hub supply, state supply is a fixed amount of supply provided within a state, based on four things: victory points, infrastructure, population and something called base supply, which is a fixed amount of extra supply in a state. I have no idea how to get my forces over to Europe. Question. rev2023.3.3.43278. hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base - allhischildrencenter.com Allied divisions share hub supply with divisions of the host country, but the host country divisions will probably be a bit better supplied as theyll be able to access whatever state supply is available as well. Most of the work involves discovering and solving the population's underlying issues, that is, the root causes of their dissatisfaction. Yeah, this is another basic feature that should have been covered in the tutorial. To achieve the maximum of any divisions, having combinations of 10,20,40 width in divisions will grant players high effectiveness in any given battle. You can't just move troops to an enemy port, the only way to do that is a naval invasion. This will make the troops transport across the water. The level of the railway constructed will be the same as that of the level of the railway in the province that its extending from, but this can be manually adjusted down or up levels (as long as the railway hasnt been built yet) using either the construction list (the +/- buttons on the railway in the list) or on the supply map (left-click on small number (underneath the crossed hammers) on the railways under construction to increase the level, and right-click to decrease the level). Naval invasion can bug out. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 2. For naval units, being less than fully supplied impacts directly on spotting efficiency and repair speed, but it also reduces the rate of fuel received, which depending on the fuel situation can have an impact on their efficiency in combat as well. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I feel a bit stupid having to ask this, but how do you transport a division by ship? Supply hub: Amount of supply requested of the hub, and highlights the railroad connection to the capital. How the fuck do I naval transport my soldiers to my own port? Attrition - if a units level of supply drops to 35% or less, it will begin to take supply-based attrition, increasing the amount of equipment the unit uses by increasing amounts the further supply drops. Scamp Crossword Clue 9 Letters, How do I transport units over sea? As long as the total amount of supplies required by units in the province is less than that supplied, units will be fully supplied. The regions must be the . If you are fighting in the English channel then you want to have 5-6 Battleship 2's or 3's 5-7 Battlecrusier 2's 10-12 Light cruisers. it is a bit confusing, your commands override the AI but as soon as it is done they get control back. For example, as per the table below, the total CIC to build a railway from nothing up to level 5 is 2,150 CIC per province (170 + 300 + 430 + 560 + 690), adjusted for any construction bonuses and infrastructure effects on construction speed. Thanks guys, for the help, but that's not my problem. Everything was working just fine, I'd select the division and right-click where I want them to go. Aerial supply is provided by transport aircraft on a dedicated mission and is available in an air zone. Madgamer166 2 yr. ago. Air doctrine is a technology group that allows a nation to specialize the way its air force conducts air warfare. This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. It is mid 1936, I'm not at war with anyone, and my first newly minted divisions deployed in Kyushu. See header. Is there some trick I dont know about? I have put them into a port then clicked another port to try and have that work, but it did not work either. One change that is indicative of the process is the removal of transport ships. In Hearts of Iron 4, logistics consists of getting personnel (replacements), and equipment where they need to be in order to support the fighting forces, as well as ensuring the level of supply where the unit is, is high enough for that unit to operate effectively. 2 Answers. While the AI wont do this, if you want allies not to be involved on a particular front, its possible to toggle off supply for allies on a hub-by-hub basis. This thread is archived. Connection via a river is instant, and will be made if the new supply hub is connected via a river (bordering the province containing the supply hub) to either the capital, or another supply hub or port in a province bordering the same river. Aug 3, 2016 @ 6:19pm You need naval surpremacy iirc in all the zones it would pass through. Holding down the Shift key will show the range of the supply hub (at that time range can change with weather). I suppose this is humor. These trucks take attrition, which is increased in poor terrain and weather, and they can be subject to air attack from enemy aircraft assigned to the logistical strike mission. After motorization, increasing the level of the rail connection is the next most powerful and often (but it depends on how far the supply hub is from your capital by rail) the next quickest. I tried to invade Malta but my 8 troops always got it's ass kicked despite artillery, air and naval superiority there by angry Brits.