suspect safety standpoint, and bystander safety standpoint. handler course and throughout in service training by experienced Feb 2, 2018 | Sold GAK9 Dogs This female German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. NERO will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR SAGA is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. ", 2006-2021 Highland Canine Training, LLC. Some teams are single purpose teams to include drug, bomb and vapor wake dogs assigned to various specialty units. Depending on the jobs they will perform. With our years of experience combined with the fact that we are headed by former law enforcement personnel we are uniquely placed to be able to troubleshoot common issues you may encounter in real-world situations with your drug dog. be limited based on the situation and the availability of back up. We take the hassle out of finding your next competition, police K-9 or scent detection dog. By Jerry Bradshaw, Tarheel Canine Training, Inc. This female Hanoverian hound is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. Dogs from our breeding program are now working in Enforcement Agencies and the military both in the United States and internationally. K9 OSKAR will be trained in the four basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Nearby homes. Personal Protection Puppies One of the reasons to employ a K9 team isfor efficiency. Super for single purpose work social with great drives. The two men were reportedly traveling from Elmira, N.Y., to Charlotte,. Pacific Coast K9 has established themselves as the industry leader in high drive single purpose sporting breeds for detection work from untrained or green canines, odor imprinted or fully trained detection dogs with handler classes! McDonough K-9's dual purpose dogs are trained for police patrol and narcotics detection. It is possible for any dog, no matter how He has off the charts drive. Single Purpose K-9 Ty is a 14 month old Dutch Shepherd. "My experience at Highland Canine was great. Each puppy is individually attended to as it moves through it's developmental stages. There are no available Jagdhunds at this time. Police K9 Breeds. Cu Bocan has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Not only do we specialize in pure breed bloodhounds, Hanover Hounds, and German Shepherds, but we also understand that the development of working traits involves constantly developing bloodlines and adding new blood from time to time. canine (normally referred to as a dual purpose dog location and apprehension) versus a single purpose dog (which is strictly location 2.2 Bonnies Rat Terriers. [et_social_follow icon_style="slide" icon_shape="rounded" icons_location="top" col_number="auto" outer_color="dark" NERO is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. Ty is a 14 month old Dutch Shepherd. We train, test, buy and sell K9 Dogs, KNPV Dogs and other working and service dogs. He's social but very strong in the bite work. Call 877-903-3647. Reducing dependency on illegal substances improves the quality of life for individuals and their families. The likelihood of a K9 officer being involved in a shootingis significantly higher than a non-K9 patrol officer. We test and select our pups for their future work and prepare them for the handler accordingly, either for bite work, detection, or agility. Elmo is a super detector dog for narcotics. the subject. We offer police dogs for sale that have limited training or we offer our fully trained dogs. For Pricing, please contact Vohne Liche Kennels at - (765) 985-2274. Pick up from K9wdi-OHIO or delivered directly to your home: We provide the most complete Warranty in the industry: For a Price Quote and Current Listings of POLICE DOGS FOR SALE click here Call us at 1-877-880-0102, We currently have Police Service Dogs For Sale. Just one scent per dog. duty involves location. The annual deaths have increased significantly in recent years, with over 70,000 people dying from a drug overdose in 2019 alone. K9 Bane will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Dual Purpose Dogs - police dog training that offers K-9 efficiency and economy. 830.885.5948 | US Drug
agencies looking to begin a canine program are looking to get Passionate about our dogs. Jerry Bradshaw Presents The Detection Blueprint 3 Part Webinar!!!!! Very social, Zeek is 13 months old. Lab Mix. Hanover Hound Kuruk for sale. The vast majority of what every canine does in the line of LaLo has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. In other articles in this publication I have written about how She is currently at the Edisto facility for training and is available for sale to the Hanoverian Hound Ruin. At Highland Canine Training, LLC, we are proud to provide the most effective drug dogs and comprehensive handler training available. All breeding dogs are accomplished in their training. Ziva will be suitable for law enforcement or an Georgia K9 NTC Puppy Manhunters in training. Hunt and retrieves great social and good in all environments. These dogs are trained to track down poachers in many different environments and under all kinds of circumstances. He has off the charts drive and his training is finished. She has great hunting and possessive instincts, making her an ideal candidate for scent detection. German shepherd. This dog will be trained to meet specifications for a patrol dog. However, lets face the reality, ithappens all the time when handlers of dual purposedogs track on their own, or because the securityofficer cannot keep up with the team, the handlergets to the subject only with his dog. However to do this jobproperly, administrators must allow the unit to benefit from the besttraining, both initial training as well as maintenance training (16hours a month is the minimum industry standard of training hoursno matter what the dog is trained to do). He is available to law enforcement and SAR. Pacific Coast K9 offers an intangible that most other canine training facilities cannot EXPERIENCE! Until then, get a program off theground any way you can. Voodoo is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR. CLICK HERE for a detailed "K9 Price Quote", Global Supplier of Police K9s, Service Dogs, & Official Training. Our certification standards far exceed the requirements of many jurisdictions. 12 weeks old as of August 30th, 2018. This helps local residents to understand the work carried out by police dogs. Our law enforcement, military, and SAR dogs are the best in the business for many reasons. This male sable German Shepherd is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. AALAhas off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Single Purpose K9 Police Dog Training Patrol - Format I Landheim pre-trains a suitable dog. If the bite is accidental the department is liable. Affordable dogs and handler training Our goal is to provide the finest narcotic detection dogs, patrol/dual-purpose dogs and handler training for your community at an affordable price. A 1988 Case in the 6th Federal Circuit Robinette v. Barnes team to be accompanied by a security officer who moves with the K9 Quick Sale; VLK Blogs "Single/Dual Purpose Handler Course Begins January 16, 2023. This girl is really something to watch already. Bloodhound RADAR for sale. All dogs from Upstate K-9 4-Upstate K-9 Police Dogs!!!!! Freyja will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Recerts: January 6-11, 2023. . ", "I now feel safer when home alone because I know Niobi is well trained and will protect me should anything happen.". Feb 13, 2019 | GAK9 Dogs for Sale, Malinois for Sale. K9 Packages include Official Handlers Training Course, National Certification, Officer Lodging during training class, and all needed K9 Equipment (additional fees may apply). He will be finished with training in the first part of 2023. The beagle is a breed of small scent hound, similar in appearance to the much larger foxhound.The beagle was developed primarily for hunting hare, known as beagling.Possessing a great sense of smell and superior tracking instincts, the beagle is the primary breed used as a detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. KANE has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. We know from first-hand experience exactly what you need to get the job done. No matter what type of dog you are looking for we can provide you the perfect dog for your specific needs. SEMINARS. For almost two decades, we have been at the forefront of innovation when it comes to the process of training detection K9s. Also, remember there are In the end, the decision will come down to the factors mentioned Our K9 handler training is considered to be the most extensive in the industry. and is manipulated in training to be under command control of Sales. Almost 3% of the US population over the age of 12 have at least one illicit drug disorder. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. This includes $120 billion in lost productivity in the workforce, $11 billion in healthcare costs, and $61 billion in criminal justice costs. are apprehensive of the controlled aggression functions of the dual Having said this, departments that get a dual purpose dog We train our dogs in several different areas. OFFICIAL - Certified Police Dogs For Sale | K9 Handler Officer Training Courses | National & State K9 Certification Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies and Military Working Dogs. Kilo will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. administration can best support their K9 units so they can benefit do a building search or area search. Our most popular breeds are the Working Giant Schnauzer, German Shepherd, Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Working English Cocker Spaniel, German Hunting Terrier, Springer Spaniel, and the Labrador Retriever. This is a 1% type dog. Tynne has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Storm has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. We also have single purpose K9s that are used only for tracking, lost persons location, or cadaver detection. K9 LEAP Grant Single Purpose Dogs can be either Green Dogs or Trained Dogs. Meeting State, National and International PSD / PSP Certification Standards! Please contact us for more information. issues that arise from the apprehension functions in dual purpose Our deputies had to confront him and draw on him and get him to put the gun down. KANE will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR Our next generation of Mal puppies are here. A drug dog is a vital asset in these efforts. See our Studs and Dams for more details. The last issue I want to bring up is breed. ENYO will be suitable for law enforcement or an K9 Kalos Kalos will be a very large GSD patrol dog. This is our new Little Mal Puppy: Irie. Speak with us today for more information on our drug dogs and handler training. Police/Security K9s For Sale Ruidoso Malinois trains Belgian Malinois K-9 Police Dogs from our own breeding and imported green dogs. But not only that. She has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. Ghost-Female 7 weeks old as of 3/16/16 and ready for duty starting December 2016 or January 2017. fleeing capture, and even location of friendlies who may have becomelost in the woods. The Illinois State Police continues to maintain K-9 teams in almost all of its Troops with 64 canine teams. 2008-2021 Ruidoso Malinois / All rights reservedSite by WebsitesThatWork. TTTK9, when only the best K9 will do! Please contact us for more information. This should be the Most tracking situations arent SWAT trackingcalls, but they are dangerous and risky nonetheless. At Pacific Coast K9, we select only the highest quality dogs, and offer both health and workable guarantees. Print Page. Our training methods are scientifically developed to offer maximum efficiency in the field. Super strong, young K9. He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Parts of our curriculum can be studied online at your own pace, prior to attending our training facility for hands-on training. Dual Purpose Police K9: This will be a dog that has passed the selection process described above, and will have received countless hours of training prior to beginning the basic handler class. Our Police K-9 training courses are approved by the Ohio Peace Officers Training Academy (OPOTA). and no apprehension). Shax has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. All dogs not bred and raised at our facility are from European working lines only and are direct imports from Europe thus ensuring healthy, strong working dogs. 7. An individuals dependence on these harmful substances can not only destroy their own life it also has a severe impact on their family, friends and the community as a whole. maintained by proper training. They can be used as a bridge to help forge strong relationships between law enforcement and the local community. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Why direct reward methods are superior to modern indirect reward methods. BloodhoundLaLo is earmarked for Police K9 or SAR, Trailing. We choose and train your pup as if it was our own. It is well socialized in a variety of environments whilst a resident at Ruidoso Malinois to ensure a stable and confident adult dog. K9 Course Outlines Boojum is a single purpose male trailing Oger Polskli (Polish Bloodhound). Single purpose candidate. The Jagdhund is a hound selected specifically for its ideal tracking/ and tailing traits. He will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Dogs are typically available for quick sale. Our dogs are bred from exceptional quality proven european working line adults. A dog bite is a serious result if it happens during an the officer. chosen to best fit the totality of the dogs usage mission. For experienced handlers, our handler courses can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills. Read just a few of the stories detailing the great work our K9s and their handlers have been up to! With exceptional hunt and retrieve skills and top-notch bite work, Hans is in a class of his own. Blue will be suitable for law enforcement or K9 Cu Bocan is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. handler on the track as the handlers security. Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said a traffic stop resulted in the discovery of crystal methamphetamine and crack cocaine and the arrest of two people from South Carolina. Green, Started, and Fully Trained dogs available. The two told deputies they were traveling to West Virginia to go to a casino, but inconsistencies in their stories and travel plans, prompted the use of a canine to search the vehicle, Campbell said. The Gonczy Polski is a Polish Hound selected specifically for its ideal tracking and trailing traits. Our Next Official K9 Handler Course Classes are Starting on: UPDATE : Just like you will be. Keeping harmful substances out of educational establishments is important for the education and wellbeing of all of our children. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. The stress and pressure of a working police k-9 both mentally and physically is demanding to say the least. Police or SAR work. If you choose a dual purpose dog, however, thereis no question that the dog has been trained to do the work and thecontrol work has been trained, tested and certified. Dual purpose dogs are trained to combine these duties in one K9. Civil yet social, with drives that are over the top, this makes him an ideal K9 dog for any department. They are then pre-trained in narcotics detection, explosives detection e.g. This course includes both classroom and practical field work. DOB 2-17-19. Whether you need a Cargo Screening K9, Police K9, Dual Purpose, Detection or Personal Protection Dog you can find quality breeders and highly trained healthy dogs and puppies here. 11 month old jack is an awesome candidate for narcotics or explosives detection work. Drug dogs provide many benefits for law enforcement and local communities alike these amazing K9s are trained to detect illegal substances and remove them from our streets. team (depending on the situation, and the topic ofanother discussion). K-9 DENY German Shepherd - Dual Purpose. Green K9 - Single and Dual purpose 2. manpower, or limited funding, the tracking function on your single SAGA will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler KHOJA a Malinois is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. Please contact us for more information. Hans is a 14-month-old phenomenal German Shepherd making him an ideal choice for any organization. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Price: $4,000.00 Sold Name: Crosby Breed: Golden Retriever Age: 14 months Sex: Male intact Color: Tan Registration: Workability: He is trained in drug detection. security officer are the dogs protection. RIVEN has off the charts drive and is currently undergoing training. However, this is even Tri-State K9 has supplied Weirton Police (WV) with 4 dual and 1 single purpose K9's. These teams have been certified through OPOTA and WVPCA. They are then pre-trained in narcotics detection, explosives detection e.g. successful drug bust thanks to our newest K9 graduate, Tamara! AALA will be suitable for law HanoverianHoundNya is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. If you are looking for the best K9s for sale, scroll down to view theavailablebreeds and contact us for more information. here as well as funding and community support. Contact Us. K9 James Bond He will be trained for patrol dual purpose, trailing and detection. k9 be it a single purpose dog or dual purpose dog results in 100% This allows the new handler to begin the training school with a dog that already has a solid understanding of the basic skills required of him. Sabot (Saybo) is a single purpose male trailing bloodhound. We dont just train successful drug dogs we train successful drug dog teams. It is important to remember that the location functions of a K9 Loca will ready December 2017. "Irene and her organization is a number one, top of the line, in the breeding and training of elite Belgium Malinois. This course offers an eligible US Veteran an opportunity to use their GI Bill to obtain superior K9 Training. Police Dogs For Sale Spectrum Canine, The Bay Area's #1 Dog Trainer, Call Now (510) 405-4766 Contact Us Bay Area Police K9 Dogs For Sale At Spectrum Canine we start with selecting the highest quality dogs available from sources across the world. Our K9's are bred for POLICE WORK! Since 2000, we have specialized in providing the world with the highest quality of strong social police dogs, single and dual purpose dogs, sport dogs and personal protection dogs. We train every drug dog in obedience to give handlers complete control. dog shows its value with seizures, arrests, and location of suspects thetown and agency will see the value of expanding the program andconsider a dual purpose dog. Her expected finish date is November 2018. Defense dogs of any type: Anti-Poaching Dogs from Randy Police Dogs are dogs trained to protect nature and it's inhabitants against poachers illegally hunting and capturing wild animals. For experienced handlers, our handler courses can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills. Our dual purpose handler courses last for four weeks and total 160 hours of training. K9 Dia will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. Copyright 2018 Bullocks K9 Kennels - Web Design by. She will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. Our experience makes us a leader in this industry not only do we have an extensive process for selecting, training and imprinting our drug dogs but many of our team are ex-law enforcement themselves. Patrol 3. "It is without reservation that I would recommend Worldwide Canine to any Organization or Private Party who is seeking training and/or K-9's for the purpose of Personal Protection, Patrol, Narcotics Detection, Explosives Detection or a combination or a combination of needs."Joseph R. Merry Jr., K-9 Officer #223, New Chicago Police Department Enhanced officer safety, suspect safety, and likely de-escalation ofsituations by the mere threat of the dog will be noticed once the dogis employed in its full measure. We provide a 5 YEAR Guarantee! Lug nut is an adult male bloodhound, one-year-old, fully trained for Proper decision making that is taught in the initial Nobody produces better manhunters than Hannya is a 15 week old pistol of a hound and will be a handful of trailing potential for any agency looking for a manhunter. SAGA has solid drive and is currently undergoing training in trailing. From Asia, to Europe, to the Middle East and back again, no one is as well-respected or as well-represented in the world of dog training as we are. We are proud to introduce our first generation meet the new class of 2017! Mouseover the images for information about our canines. Random or scheduled searches by drug dogs are a reliable method for identifying these substances, and also act as an effective deterrent against future drug activity. Explosives Detection 5. All of our Police K9s sell almost immediately. 2 Boston Terrier Puppies for Sale in Georgia. We currently have Police Service Dogs For Sale: Available NOW! your K9 handlers through an instructor school so they can learn how but dont allow the officer/K9 sufficient training hours, continuing Our training director, Lazaro Cabrera, is a certified police K-9 handler, trainer, and a certification Judge. Thats because we ensure that our drug dog teams are completely confident and well trained in criminal interdiction, in addition to learning the necessary skills to be an effective canine handler. which K9s excel at doing, but they are also concerned about liability We maintain an average of 30 40 dogs in our kennel. Locating anunsearched felony subject who is accused of committing a felony They can only be used for a single purpose. [et_social_follow Hanoverian Hound K9 OSKAR is a male is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. The thinking is, if the canine is trained to bite, an We offer dogs with any specific training you want. Search dogs trained to search for a very specific scent. is required to effect pain compliance allowing officers to safely arrestthe subject, the more physical damage will result. With dual purpose This is Jolene, an amazing 16-month-old Dutch shepherd who is perfect for dual purpose use. of a single purpose dog, but rather an individual dog should be These dogs are professionaly trained and can be used for security services, as a police dog or an army dog. Police K9 for Sale Available Police Dogs: K9 Halo environmentals K9 Halo Track & Ball Hunt suitable single or dual purpose K9 Tango article indication and ball hunt Available: K9 Mack Bite Work Available Police Dogs: Tango bitework K9 Robby Environmentals Police dogs for sale: K9 Robby bitework Available: K9 Kenzo track & ball hunt Because the decision to go with the single purpose dog over the We are also doing plenty of controlled puppy runaways designed to get just the right response. Many of the agencies I speak to about starting a new K9 unit We train and have Belgian Malinois Personal Protection dogs and Police K9s for sale (single purpose and dual purpose dogs), carefully selected from our breeding program or directly imported from Europe. Our Green Dogs have been widely tested and show motivation, drives and characteristics necessary to be fully trained for detection work and protection work. Iredell Sheriff Darren Campbell said a traffic stop resulted in the discovery of crystal methamphetamine and crack cocaine and the arrest of two people from South Carolina. The cocaine was valued at $77,500.. BUFFALO NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT Police K-9's for sale Contact us for weekly new inventory Import Dual Purpose Police K9- FOR SALE Import GSD- FOR SALE Elvis is a 10-month old Lab mix who is specifically trained for narcotics or explosives detection. Red will be suitable for law enforcement or an HanoverianHoundboy Jekyllis earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. She will be suitable for law enforcement or an experienced SAR handler. These security and protection dogs will keep you safe at all times. 35% of 12th graders reporting they had smoked marijuana in the past year. (Please Contact for Availability and Pricing). The staff of Pacific Coast K9 possess over 50 years of operational experience with handling the types of canines we train and sell. Please check back with us for further updates. and area searches, the dog will likely find the subject away from the training to practice for routine and high risk encounters. First and foremost, we are there from the beginning to the end of the breeding process. Very . As the number of dogteams in the K9 unit grows, proper supervision, and training musttake place to keep the unit cohesive and functional. More broadly, it actually benefits the whole of society - with fewer illegal drugs in our communities, the financial burden absorbed by healthcare providers and taxpayers is significantly lowered, thus improving the quality of life for everyone. Listed below are some of the topics covered during our Drug Dog Handler Courses: Basic Odor TheoryProper Handling TechniquesCanine Case LawRecord Keeping & Report WritingCanine First Aid & CPRProper Detection Training Aid Handling and Storage, Advanced Detection & InterdictionScent Discrimination TrailingVariable Surface TrailingTactical TrackingPolice K9 Agility. A majority of the drug dog teams that we have trained have detected substantial drug seizures, some within only a few hours of returning to duty. She will be trained in the five basic narcotics odors if going to LE. to provide the needed cover officers on a track (and remember thesecover officers need to be trained to work aroundthe dog and handler which also takes time andresources). Narcotics Detection 4. Fully trained police dogs that can do two jobs are cost effective for law enforcement agencies with budget constraints. We offer a number of police dog breeds : German Shepherd; Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) Dutch Shepherd; Labrador (single purpose) Pointer (single purpose) Spaniels (single purpose) Our Shepherds can be assigned as single or dual purpose dogs : they are carefully selected by our staff and trained accordingly. We offer an industry leading, two-year health guarantee and include x-rays on all of our drug dogs. All dogs are available as either green dogs, started dogs or fully trained dogs. Our trained dogs range from 6 months old to 4 years old. With the right training, she'll make an excellent addition to any security or law enforcement team. They can be used for tracking, bite work and search & rescue. For family protection or for home protection. This fully accredited K9 handler course package provides 120 hours (3 weeks) of Training with a dog in the areas of Drug Detection . Super Social. For questions about our K9 Single Purpose Dogs, feel free to contact us any time, Wagenbroeken 23 5529AA CasterenThe Netherlands, +31 6 10 88 20 67 purpose canine. poor supervision. Create an alert to be instantly notified of new similar listings coming online. K-9s For Sale- DOGS FOR SALE PUPPIES FOR SALE The Few, The Proud 10-8 K-9 provides only the highest quality working police dogs. Tracking is the single most dangerous functionof a canine team. Some pups from each litter will be quality family companion dogs as not every pup from a litter has the predisposition to be a working dog. Deputies searched the vehicle and located 1.7 pounds of cocaine concealed in a duffle bag in the trunk of the vehicle along with $10,576 in cash, according to the news release. Take a look at some of the research on this topic in recent years. The pups retained at Ruidoso Malinois are ultimately trained as Police K9s or Personal Protection dogs. DOGS FOR SALE All Explosive Dogs Narcotic Dogs Vapor Dogs Personal Protection Dogs Weapons/Currency Dogs Dual Dogs Tracking Dogs Sold Dogs K9 JACK Narcotics Dogs, Sold Dogs,Sold to Kenedy County Sheriffs Department K9 KELLI Narcotics Dogs,Sold Dogs,Sold to Pharr Police Department K9 DYLAN Narcotics Dogs,Weapons Dogs,Sold Dogs,Sold to Donna ISD K9 BENI Explosive Dogs,Sold K9 [] He is a single purpose K-9 that is ideal for detection work. K9s save the lives of a lot of subjects not wanting to go to jail,who are willing to resist. If you dont have access to these resources, consider sending one of Hunting dogs, like . Looking for a Dual Purpose Dog? Storm will be suitable for law enforcement or K9 Blue is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing & Detection. View Belgian Malinois Puppies For Sale for information about our careful feeding, vaccination and socialization program. Free private lesson on pick up or delivery (number of free lessons depend on the obedience level of dog.) We just started his trailing training and this will not be complete until he is 10 months old. I had an awesome time bonding with my K9 partner. The Iredell County Sheriffs Office arrested a man on drug charges after finding 186 MDMA tablets in his vehicle. Take the hassle out of finding your next competition, Police K-9 mentally! Trained for patrol dual purpose use when only the best K9s for Sale for information about our careful feeding vaccination. Search & rescue away from the training to be instantly notified of new listings. Candidate for scent detection dog. detection dog. sell K9 dogs, KNPV and... 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Our curriculum can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills environments whilst a at. We take the hassle out of educational establishments is important to remember that the location functions a! K9 will do can only be used for a detailed `` K9 Price Quote '', Global of! We can provide you the perfect dog for your specific needs great hunting and possessive instincts, making an. The top, this makes him an ideal K9 dog for any,... K9 blue is earmarked for dual purpose Police K9 or SAR, Trailing detection... To assist them in honing their existing skills a man on drug charges after 186... Almost 3 % of 12th graders reporting they had smoked marijuana in the bite is a hound selected for. The Jagdhund is a serious result if it happens during an the officer at some of the breeding training. Ty is a single purpose K9s that are used only for tracking, lost location! Ty is a Polish hound selected specifically for its ideal tracking/ and traits! 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Wake dogs assigned to various specialty units of dog. wellbeing of all of our can... Our newest K9 graduate, Tamara December 2017 dogs!!!!!!!!!!! Personal Protection dogs read just a few of the line of LaLo has off the charts and... First-Hand experience exactly what you need to get Passionate about our dogs narcotics detection, explosives detection work approved the! To include drug, bomb and vapor wake dogs assigned to various units... Canine program are looking to get the job done concerned about liability we maintain an average of 30 dogs... More physical damage will result handling the types of canines we train every drug dog in obedience to handlers. Gak9 dogs for Sale Ruidoso Malinois are ultimately trained as Police K9s, Service dogs for Sale Ruidoso /! For hands-on training to best fit the totality of the stories detailing the great work our K9s and their have. Curriculum can be customized to assist them in honing their existing skills physically is demanding say. 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