CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The eighth annual Charlotte UNCF (United Negro College Fund) Mayor's Masked Ball will take place Saturday, March 19 at the Westin Hotel in . UNCF and "March Madness": A Special Moment in Time To serve youth, the community and the nation, UNCF supports studentseducation anddevelopment through scholarships and other programs, supports and strengthens its 37 membercolleges and universities, and advocates for the importance of minority education and collegereadiness. UNCF (United Negro College Fund) is the nation's largest and most effective minority educationorganization. Regina Belle - Academy Award-winning and Multi Grammy-winning singer, songwriter and actress, Chris Walker - Singer, Composer, Musician, Producer, Serve as presenting sponsor of the 2023 UNCF Mayors Masked Ball, Two-minute video presentation during event, Brand recognition in select print and electronic media, Logo on invitations and all event advertisements, Prominent logo placement during event and on video scroll, 24 VIP UNCF Masked Award gathering tickets, VIP premium seating at one Kings table and one VIP Mayors Royal Court table, Premium location full-page color ad in program book, Serve as co-chair for the 2023 UNCF Mayors Masked Ball, 30-second sponsor video presentation during event, 10 VIP UNCF Masked Award gathering tickets, VIP premium seating at Mayors Royal Court table, Four VIP UNCF Masked Award gathering tickets. UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, is an evening of celebration attended by civic leaders, alumni, dignitaries, volunteers and friends of UNCF and EWU. ATLANTA, GA, Dec. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 37th annual Atlanta UNCF (United Negro College Fund) Mayor's Masked Ball, a signature black-tie fundraising event, will take place online at 6 . 2101 Richard Arrington Jr Blvd N For ticketing information, contact Lia Roberson. In addition, she serves her community as a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, The Links Incorporated, and Jack and Jill of America. Record-breaking fundraiser attended by a sellout crowd of 1,300. This must-attend event is full of fun, fashion and glamour, and supports UNCFs mission of investing in Better Futures for the young men and women we serve by helping them move to and through college. In the 2020-21 school year, 928 awards totaling $6,732,895 were . Nell Nolan: UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, CAC SweetArts, Cabrini gala 401 W. Pratt St. March 11, 2023 The Birmingham UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball is a premier fundraising gala and major social event focusing on raising awareness of the need and benefits of a college education, the students UNCF serves and the contributions of historically Black colleges and universities. Delivering impact for students across LouisianaNEW ORLEANS, LA, March 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The ninth annual New Orleans Mayor's Masked Ball took place on Saturday, March 26 with over 600 . They'll be . Martini's On Broadway. This year's awards will be presented to Leadership awardee Kevin Liles, chairman and CEO, Electra Entertainment Group; Legacy Partner, The Colgate Palmolive Company; and Corporate Award Recipient, Ralph Lauren Corporation. Dr. Reddix was born in Norfolk, Virginia, and is a devoted wife and mother of three. NC The 39 th annual UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball Atlanta is a premier fundraising gala and major social event focusing on raising awareness of the need and benefits of a college education, the students UNCF serves and the contributions of historically Black colleges and universities.. This year is no exception. He is married to Johnnie Mitchell Fleming of Ft. Worth, Texas, and they are the parents of three adult children: Kelton C. Fleming, San Jose, California; Zina Fleming Hall, Houston, Texas, and Joseph A. Fleming, who succeeded him as Senior Pastor of Third Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia. United Negro College Fund, Inc., is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit; federal EIN, 13-1624241. UNCF Galas and Masked Balls are premier fundraising and social events, focusing on raising public awareness of the importance of supporting deserving students, and generating large corporate and individual donations to help these students meet the expenses of a higher education. Celebrate the Power of HBCUs with UNCF, 19 Mayors and 10 This year's event will honor Melissa Waggener Zorkin, Global CEO and founder, WE Communications; The Divine 9, and Teague Design Corporation. The UNCF Charlotte Mayor's Masked Ball is returning to an in person gathering to honor a pair of towering figures in the city's history. MD UNCF Mayors Masked Balls make it possible for students, sometimes first-generation students from low-income communities, to go to and through college and achieve their best futures. 700 N Art Museum Dr LA Dr. Reddix invests expertise, coaching, and capital into women-of-color owned businesses through her Reddix Rules Fund programs. March 25, 2023 He serves on numerous boards (President of the Hispanic Chamber, Vice Chair Hampton Roads chamber, President Portsmouth Partnership, Begin Again Foundation, Chair Hampton Roads workforce council, Chair ODU College of Engineering, Chair ODU VMASC, Boys and Girls Club, Star base Victory, Communities in Schools, Portsmouth Athletic League, First Chesapeake Robotics, and many others. 6:00 PM, Hyatt Regency New Orleans 0. The Billye Suber Aaron Masked Award Honorees were Charmaine Ward-Millner, Kaiser Permanente vice president of mass communications, community relations and Bentina Chisolm Terry, Georgia Power senior vice president, customer strategy & solutions. Learn more at or for continuous updates and news, follow UNCF on Twitter at @UNCF. With the success of the Mayors Masked Ball, thousands of students have a brighter future because of the support they receive. UNCF is a 501(C) 3 organization. Celebrity Guest Kim Fields. In recognition for his work in the community, Henry is a recipient of the McDonalds Ronald Award and 365Black Award, Neighborhood Development Foundation Leadership Award, Junior Achievement Business Hall of Fame Laureate, New Orleans Council for Community Justices Weiss Award and the Chairmans Award for Lifetime Achievement from the International Economic Development Council. In the past few years, more than 800students attending UNCF member schools were either able to attend college or continue their college education without the interruption of financial challenges. 2023 UNCF Mayors Masked Ball Baltimore, Reception /Gala registrations for up to 25 persons, Opportunity to produce a one-minute video message from your CEO to be aired during program, Premier promotion of corporate logo and name prominently displayed as a MARQUIS sponsor on, Prominent corporate recognition/acknowledgment throughout gala program, Promotional acknowledgment in pre-, during, and post- gala social media event activities, Recognition as a MARQUIS sponsor on press releases, virtual banners, digital/print and spoken program, Full-page ad in print/digital souvenir program, Promotion of corporate logo and name prominently displayed as a MAYORS IMPERIAL sponsor on, Corporate recognition/acknowledgment throughout gala program, Recognition as a MAYORS IMPERIAL sponsor on press releases, virtual banners, digital/print and spoken program, Half-page ad in print/digital souvenir program, Reception / Gala registrations for up to 15 persons, Promotion of corporate logo and name prominently displayed as a MAYORS ROYAL sponsor on, Corporate acknowledgment throughout gala program, Recognition as a MAYORS ROYAL sponsor on spoken program, Quarter-page ad in print/digital souvenir program, Reception / Gala registrations for up to 10 persons, Recognition as a MAYORS MASKED COURT sponsor on, Recognition as a MAYORS MASKED COURT sponsor on spoken program, Listing as a MAYORS MASKED COURT sponsor in print/digital souvenir program, Reception / Gala registrations for up to 5 persons, Recognition as a HIS HONORS COURT sponsor on, Listing as a HIS HONORS COURT sponsor in print/digital souvenir program, One reserved table for 5 guests in the Mayors masked court, Company name listed on table and in event materials. UNCF 39th ANNUAL ATLANTA MAYOR'S MASKED BALL RAISED 2.1 MILLION IN SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT. New Orleans, 2023 UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball - Charlotte - UNCF The second annual UNCF Mayors' Masked Ball in Newark is the organization's signature fundraising event and one of greater Newark's premiere social soires. It was record-breaking for UNCF Mayors Masked Balls generating the largest amount ever raised for this event. UNCF Among the many donations Paul has committed over the years, he and his wife Donna helped fund the Donna & Paul Flower Hall for Research and Innovation at Tulane University and established a named, endowed scholarship fund at Dillard University as well as a named, endowed fund to support a professorship at Tulane Universitys School of Science and Engineering. Hosted by The Honorable Mayor Cavalier Johnson, this premier social and fundraising gala is supported by corporations, dignitaries, civic leaders, public officials and alumni. Last years UNCF Mayors Masked Ball generated a record $320,000, helping to get students to and through school. Raphael Warnock, and Jeezy in attendance. "Learn more or forcontinuousupdates and news, follow UNCF on Twitter at @UNCF. ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WIAT) The 77th Annual Birmingham Mayor's Masked Ball UNCF is switching to a virtual venue this year due to COVID-19. Virtual 37th Annual Atlanta UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball raises more than As the largest and most effective minority education organization in the United States, UNCF actively supports 37 private historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and advocates for minority higher education. Today, UNCF supports more than 60,000 students atover 1,100 colleges and universities across the country. Mar 22, 2022. By the way, its a MASKED Ball, so remember to wear your best stylish masks and get ready to have a good time! 29 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from UNCF-Florence/Pee Dee Area: UNCF Mayor's Mask Ball UNCF-Florence/Pee Dee Area . He currently is chair of the New Orleans East Hospital Foundation Board. Hard work, good organization, and purposeful partying all blended to make the gala a . United States, Therese Badon The UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball event has generated more than $11 million over 9 years in support of our local HBCUs and scholarship support to help deserving students get to and through college . Portsmouth, 2023 UNCF Mayors Masked Ball New Orleans. He serves area youth through his robust internship programs. The Corporation of the Year honoree is Blue Shield of California. 972.234.1007 The Birmingham UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball is a premier fundraising gala and major social event focusing on raising awareness of the need and benefits of a college education, the students UNCF serves and the contributions of historically Black colleges and universities. Birmingham, Learn more about our 15 events coming to a city or region near you this month. UNCF is gearing up for a festive evening of excitement andmost importantlyan evening that will be safely orchestrated for the [] United States, Lia Roberson 6:00 PM, Milwaukee Art Museum United Negro College Fund, Inc., is a recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit; federal EIN, 13-1624241. UNCF Galas and Masked Balls are premier fundraising and social events, focusing on raising public awareness of the importance of supporting deserving students, and generating large corporate and individual donations to help these students meet the expenses of a higher education. Michael is the community relations manager for the Chrysler Museum of Art, where he creates and implements educational and community partnerships designed to expand and diversify museum audiences, particularly among underserved constituencies. UNCF hosted the seventh annual Philadelphia UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball. New Orleans, LA, March 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UNCF (United Negro College Fund) will host its 9th annual UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball, "live" on Saturday, March 26, 2022, at the Hyatt Regency New . Tickets Donate. Jermaine Dupri joins the evening festivities; Photo by Case Love Productions. UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball - YouTube 2023 UNCF Mayors Masked Ball Birmingham, Presenting Sponsor recognition on all event marketing and press materials, VIP Sponsor Reception tickets for ten (10) guests, Opportunity for CEO or senior executive to pre-tape a 60-second video message to be included in evenings program, CEO acknowledgment during evenings program, Company logo as Presenting Sponsor displayed on event webpage and digital program Acknowledgment on social media before, during and post event, Opportunity for a full-screen ad in digital program, Platinum Sponsor recognition on all event marketing and press materials, VIP Sponsor Reception tickets for eight (8) guests, Exclusive sponsorship of one of the digital program elements including honoree(s), student testimonial, entertainment or emcee, Company logo as Platinum Sponsor displayed on event webpage and digital program, Acknowledgment on social media before, during and post event, Gold Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials, VIP Sponsor Reception tickets for six (6) guests, Company logo as Gold Sponsor displayed on event webpage and digital program, Opportunity for a half-screen ad in digital program, Silver Sponsor recognition on all event marketing materials, VIP Sponsor Reception tickets for four (4) guests, Company logo as Silver Sponsor displayed on event webpage, virtual event platform and digital program. Lia Roberson. Its logo features the UNCF torch of leadershipin education and its widely recognized trademark,A mind is a terrible thing to waste.Learn more or forcontinuousupdates and news, follow UNCF on Twitter at @UNCF. Florida A&M University alumnae . SPONSORSHIP RESERVATION FORM NEW ORLEANS 2021 MAYOR'S MASKED ALL SPONSORSHIP PAYMENTS DUE BY FEBRUARY 15, 2021 Please email this completed form to LaJuana.Chenier@uncf . The stellar event held at the Atlanta Marquis in downtown Atlanta was an evening of excitement and entertainment for the sold-out audience. 7:00 PM - 10:30 PM, THE ATLANTA MARRIOTT MARQUIS Register. 265 PEACHTREE CENTER AVE Many UNCF scholarship recipients go on to become industry leaders, and your support of the 2020 Philadelphia UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball will help students who attend historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), such as Spelman University graduate Brianna Walker, achieve their dreams. He served as Chair of the UNCFs Annual Fund Run for 2007 and 2008. UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball Takes Place Saturday Hosted by a diverse group of corporate sponsors and local businesses, the events involve celebrities, dignitaries, civic leaders, volunteers, public officials, alumni and others who support UNCF's mission of investing in better futures for us all by empowering students to get to and through college. Woods, president and CEO, Atrium Health. 28202 Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens hosts the 39th annual UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball Henry served as chair of the Business Council of New Orleans and the River Region during 2021 and 2022. 2022 New Orleans UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball Announced UNCF COLUMBUS MAYOR'S MASKED BALL | Columbus Convention & Trade Center More than $1.2 million was awarded last year. JACKSONVILLE, FL (Feb. 7, 2022)UNCF (United Negro College Fund) and Edward Waters University (EWU) will host the inaugural Jacksonville Mayor's Masked Ball, a premier fundraising event, on Friday, March 18 at the Prime Osborn Convention Center. William Murphy, a junior at Morehouse College received the UNCF President and CEO Dr. Michael L. Lomax Scholarship for $200K to study philosophy and economics. 2023 UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball - Milwaukee - UNCF Henry L. Coaxum, Jr., president of Coaxum Enterprises, Inc., has over 39 years of experience with the McDonalds Corporation and is the owner/operator of three McDonalds restaurants in New Orleans. Henry, a 1973 graduate of Talladega College, received an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from his alma mater at the colleges 2016 commencement ceremonies. 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM, Renaissance Portsmouth-Norfolk Waterfront Hotel Portsmouth, VA: UNCF Hampton Roads Mayors Masked Ball. UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball postponed amid fear of COVID-19 Washington, DC: UNCF National "A Mind is" Gala. The New Orleans UNCF Mayor's Masked Ball event has generated more than $11 million over nine years in support of local HBCUs and scholarship support to help deserving students get to and through . 2023 UNCF Mayors Masked Ball Charlotte. Hosted by a diverse group of corporate sponsors, local businesses and professional organizations, the inaugural UNCF Baltimore Mayors Masked Ball is an evening of celebration attended by civic leaders, alumni, dignitaries, volunteers and friends of UNCF. All Rights Reserved. United States, Dana Brown 804-218-7495 Tue Feb 14 2023 at 08:00 pm Rivertown Dance Club's Valentines Dinner/Dance. After a three-year hiatus, the UNCF Milwaukee Mayor's Masked Ball returns to the Milwaukee Art Museum on March 18that 6 PM.
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