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(Direct link to your Twitter Analytics: https://analytics.twitter.com/) Twitter will show you your top tweets in order of descending impressions for the past 28 days. How To Block Those Annoying RT's On Your Twitter Stream You can use their web app, chrome extension, or even mobile app to share the same tweet. Use the Menu in the right upper corner Remove my tag from photo You can also adjust that feature in your privacy settings, to avoid being tagged in different cases. Twitter changes retweeting: How to RT without quote tweeting - Pocket-lint But, having said all that, I'll probably do it at some point. When you first sign up, your Twitter account's default privacy is set to "public," meaning anyone on the Internet can read and retweet your tweets. Option #1. Scroll down to the "Tweet privacy" section. Whether you run a personal or business account on Twitter, you likely follow people for different reasons. The ire comes from two places. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. How To Stop Someone From Retweeting Your Tweets If you come to the conclusion that Twitter is actually better without retweets, you may want to use one of the other solutions. You can easily mute someone on Twitter, either directly from any tweet from that person, on your timeline, or you can also mute someone from their profile page. Soft, Hard, and Mixed Resets Explained, How to Set Variables In Your GitLab CI Pipelines, How to Send a Message to Slack From a Bash Script, The New Outlook Is Opening Up to More People, Windows 11 Feature Updates Are Speeding Up, E-Win Champion Fabric Gaming Chair Review, Amazon Echo Dot With Clock (5th-gen) Review, Grelife 24in Oscillating Space Heater Review: Comfort and Functionality Combined, VCK Dual Filter Air Purifier Review: Affordable and Practical for Home or Office, LatticeWork Amber X Personal Cloud Storage Review: Backups Made Easy, Neat Bumblebee II Review: It's Good, It's Affordable, and It's Usually On Sale, How to Block a Twitter Users Retweets (But Still See Their Tweets). Can You Prove Those Colonists Weren't Witches? Rectify that with these tips. You can turn off retweets from Twitter accounts you follow, so you only see original tweets from them. 12 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make on Twitter If You Want More Followers Twitter Help: What Is a Retweet? How Do I Retweet? - Lifewire What Twitter option prevents others from retweeting my tweets - Quora Twitter is many things, both good and bad (mostly bad; almost all bad). The data will be tweets extracted from the user. If you dont want anyone to reply, then you can simply tag a friend who you know wont reply. If you are a Twitter user, you've no doubt encountered the scenario where you are following somebody in tech, and they won't stop retweeting political stuff or other things that you have no interest in. All Rights Reserved. The biggest one is to add a bit more exposure to some piece of content you want to share. How to Save Your Smartphones Battery Life. When Should You Thank Someone for a Retweet? - Adweek Enter your Twitter password when prompted to confirm the account settings changes. 3. Prior to starting How-To Geek, Lowell spent 15 years working in IT doing consulting, cybersecurity, database management, and programming work. But whatif you dont have any particular problem with Whitsons retweets, but specifically want to avoid seeing a specific person he keeps retweeting? SocialPilot (Budget-friendly and easy to use) Tweethunter. The Golden Rules Of Retweeting - Minter.io Analytics Blog Click the triple-dot icon just under the header picture, then click "Turn off retweets". Always review follower requests before switching your account settings. Does someone you follow on Twitter retweet constantly, flooding your timeline with nonsense? By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider How to Stop Falling Asleep on the Couch During Movies. Stopping someone from retweeting your content isn't an exact science, but with the right tools it can be done fairly easily. 3 - Go through the list and "Revoke access" from any applications you don't recognize or have stopped using. Is Self-Retweeting the Saddest Thing to Do Online? It is an efficient micro-blogging platform, an up-to-the-minute news service, a cocaine-pellet-dispensing operant . Moreover, spelling out the entire word, 'retweet' than the abbreviation RT is 23 times higher than the latter. Tame Your Twitter Feed by Killing Annoying Retweets | WIRED This cannot stand. If you're on an Android, you'll see a three-dot icon to the right of their profile picture. You may be retweeting tweets . 11 Tips for Getting People to Retweet Your Content 1. Heres how you can improve your Wi-Fi network, 3 ways you can chat with people on WhatsApp without adding them to your contacts, Deforestation Inc - how encroachments are forests in govts forest cover map, WhatsApp: How to message yourself to take notes. Sure, you can unfollow them, but did you know you can prevent them from retweeting entirely? Step 2: Twitter will then display three options, including Everyone, People you Follow, Only people you mention. These are self-explanatory and do the same thing as they say. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read billions of times. Luke is a writer from Boston who writes the newsletter Welcome to Hell World and author of a book of the same name. Retweeting lets you repost someone else's tweet onto your own profile. Socialpilot is a great way to schedule the same tweet multiple times. From here you can click Turn off Retweets. Once you do that, only Whitsons insightful original comments will get to you. He hopes to one day become a mystery novelist. how to stop someone from retweeting your tweets 20 Amazingly Cool Twitter Tricks & Tips - Search Engine Journal There will be some false positives. After a while your content will go unread by getting lost among multiple other tweets. Roberto test drives electric vehicles for WIRED. You could explicitly state your purpose"ICYMI here are some good tweets I did"or reply to your own tweet with responses of diminishing humorous returns to bump it to the top of the feed. #All you need to do is go to an account profile page and tap on the three-dotted icon. You wouldn't go on stage and tell the same joke at the beginning and end of your set, so why would you do it online? How to Block a Twitter User's Retweets (But Still See Their Tweets) Twitter allows you to turn off retweets for a specific account if you dont like what they share. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Thats better than quitting Twitter entirely, right? Open Twitter on the web or the iOS or Android app. 4 - There is no step four. Had a long day and still want to stream something? Click the "gear" icon in the top right of the screen to activate a drop-down menu. Sure, you can unfollow them, but did you know you can prevent them from retweeting entirely? You can still click or tap Retweets to see a list of people who've retweeted your tweet without adding their own thoughts. 1: Connect the twitter account with GroupTweet. A menu pops up. Nevertheless, that nagging feeling remains that repeating yourself is a sin. ", I would have suggested they just use a regular volleyball, but I guess the Olympics are special. Find the three dots icon on the . 18. She writes how-tos, lists, and reported features, including pieces on how to use tech to dine safely during the pandemic and the impacts of blue light on your sleep. What Is a PEM File and How Do You Use It? And doing it just because not enough people faved this for my liking seems cheesy to me," he said. A manual retweet is when you type in "RT" before someone else's tweet, instead of a "true" retweet using the official retweet button. Find the tweet you quote, then hit the retweet icon which looks like two arrows forming a square 3. There is no option for turning off retweets for all users at once. We traveled to mom's basements far and wide to ask the experts. It removes native and original retweets. It is an efficient micro-blogging platform, an up-to-the-minute news service, a cocaine-pellet-dispensing operant conditioning chamber, and a torrential firehose of personal abuse. This tool is a simple browser extension that allows you to block certain users from retweeting your tweets. You'll be taken to a list of the applications you've authorized to post to your account. Step 1: When you are drafting any tweet, you will notice an option at the bottom, which says Everyone can reply. You just need to tap on it. To disable a person's retweets from others, click on the silhouette to the left of the blue Following button. Speaking of Jeb Lund: "Like quoting or bumping or threading your own tweets, self-retweeting is something that everyone thinks everyone else should be forbidden to do, except them, and every one of them is wrong. I have tried to incorporate what I've learned into the code below but I believe the "if not" piece of code is in the wrong place. How To Block Other People's Likes On Twitter - Lifehacker Australia While many apps will let you adjust Twitter settings, to make sure your changes are universal, head to Twitter.com. If you don't see a Quote Tweets option below your tweet, nobody has quoted your tweet. Select "Turn off Retweets." A drop down menu will appear. The new option has stripped away some of those steps, but the result is the same: Self-retweeting is a desperate cry for attention. However, moderate the content a little before publishing. Navigate to the profile of the account you'd like to stop seeing retweets from. Click the icon with three dots in a horizontal line in the top right corner of the tweet. Like many, he takes a "it's just Twitter" attitude. Reports say that asking for retweets results in 12 or more times RTs. 1. Blocked users cannot: Add your Twitter account to their lists. A step by step guide of how to protect your tweets on Twitter so only those you approve to follow you can see them. Whether you decide to disable retweeting altogether, block or mute certain users, or use the Retweet Shield, there are plenty of options for preventing people from sharing your tweets. Change These Settings on Your New Samsung Phone. Hypothetically, lets say you follow someone who, while generally insightful, occasionally retweets nonsense from your mortal enemy. Group Mention List the users that retweeted the content and include a comment or thank you. But, she added, it's also great, "because fuck yeah we didn't get enough attention, and why try to be cool? You simply add the usernames of the users you want to block, and the Retweet Shield will prevent them from retweeting your tweets. Previously, if a Twitter personality wanted to resurface a joke, either because they thought it wasn't seen by enough people or for a fleeting hit of e-serotonin, the process was unwieldy. How can you untag yourself from a post on Twitter? This week Twitter started rolling out a new feature that lets users quietly remove followers without resorting to blocking them. He also runs the Hillsboro Signal, a volunteer-driven local news outlet he founded. Twitter rolled out the "soft block" for all web users on Monday. In either case, tap the icon. This seems like a radical step, but in the age of fake news and manipulated content, maybe it isn't so extreme. how to stop someone from retweeting your tweets. 1. If you only want to stop a specific user from retweeting your content, you can simply block or mute them. He's a journalist and musician based in the San Francisco Bay area. No FBI Agent Should Just Trust Trump to Tell Truth, Republican Senators Form Wingnut Xylophone, How to Line Your Pockets While Reshaping the Court, SCOTUS Ponders Whether to Dub Loans Unforgiven, Effort to Recall N.O. how to stop someone from retweeting your tweets. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to. Note: If you want to view your hidden replies, then you will have to click or tap on the hidden reply icon, which will be available in the bottom-right of your original Tweet. Once you've logged on to Twitter, find the tweet that you want to delete. Thanking someone for retweeting is usually a pointless exercise. Now when that person (or brand robot) retweets every single update about an intense curling match, you'll only see their excited tweets about a wicked eight-ender. Wecan block all of Whitson Gordons retweets. Step 3: Select any one of these options and then you are all set. "There's a handful of people that can get away with ita secret list of accounts that are above the lawbut for the most part, it's a clown move, and I would rather die than do it.". Make certain you're comfortable with losing this level of privacy before making the change. These keys will help the API for authentication. You can make use of other RSS based feeds like Buzzsumo , Feedly, or Tiny Tiny RSS. You can choose hashtags, emoji, keyword, phrases, and @mention method. Anyone you remove as a follower will no longer see when you post or retweet things, and Twitter says it won't notify them that you've removed them. First, change your password by selecting "Settings" from the dropdown menu next to your account name, which is listed on the top right on Twitter.com, then navigating to the "Password" tab. Click the "gear" icon in the top right of the screen to activate a drop-down menu. 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"You must admit there's a special kind of sadness when @Epic_Horse_Bacon wakes up the next morning excited to retweet his own weak-ass 'cop starts breakdancing' bullshit.". Advertisement Step 2: You now need to select hide reply and confirm. Continue Reading 94 Paige North Twitter 4 y Related Here's how to retweet from an account: Step 1: Find a tweet you want to retweet, and click the button that looks like two arrows making a circle. How to do it: 1. Changing Settings. Simply take a screenshot of a note on your phone and add it to your tweet. 6. This means that you should not retweet your own tweets because they may be retweeted, so you should not retweet any tweets you find that have already been retweeted. 8 . There are also ways to hide comments if you think a certain reply can generate a bit of heat. Add your comment 5. The WIRED conversation illuminates how technology is changing every aspect of our livesfrom culture to business, science to design. The most direct way of preventing someone from retweeting your tweets is to disable retweeting altogether. Grouping followers into specific categories can make it easier to stay on top of trends, customer opinions, and more. There are, obviously enough, a number of benefits to retweeting your own content. Its easy, its fast and if you dont like it, you can reverse it with a single click. wachstumskurve zwergdackel celebrities with virgo sun leo venus how to stop someone from retweeting your tweets First, head to his profile page, then hit the gear next to the Following button. I asked some of my favorite Twitter users where they stand on the practice, and while most agreed there's something pathetic about it, they also said they might do it themselves. Twitter list hacks and tricks. What is a Quote Tweet? 8 Reasons You Should be Tweeting Them More #Select Turn off Retweets to stop seeing Tweets from that Twitter account. Have their @replies or mentions show in your mentions tab . Get our best tips. 3: Change the tweet format to "Native Twitter Retweet". This will open the settings menu which includes an "Embed Tweet" option. Keeping Twitter safe and free from spam is a top priority for us. Hit Retweet Button Twitter users can now officially retweet themselves. But should they To see if anyone is retweeting your content, click "Connect" in the top navigation bar. How to Stop Seeing Retweets From an Account You Follow on Twitter Thats it. Retweeting on Twitter can be a great way of sharing content and connecting with others, but it doesnt always suit every situation. Whether you decide to disable retweeting altogether, block or mute certain . Retweet from different profiles to keep it interesting and to acknowledge different kinds of accounts. Note: If you want only select people to reply to your comments, then you should select the third option Only people you mention. So, no one else will be able to comment on your post. Automation and the use of multiple accounts. Ultimate goal is to use the tweepy api search to focus on topics (i.e docker) and to EXCLUDE retweets. Privacy, How To Follow Twitter Users with No Account, How to Add & Delete Twitter Account from iPhone & iPad, Mastodon: How to Follow and Unfollow Someone, How to Get Famous People to Follow You on Instagram, How to Easily Follow and Unfollow Someone on TikTok. The microblogging site says when a Tweet author hides a comment, the author of the reply will not be notified. Join 425,000 subscribers and get a daily digest of news, geek trivia, and our feature articles. Neuroscientists and psychologists explain how to keep yourself on trackfor good this time. Sign into the Twitter app. Whether you stick to the 30/30/30 rule or just retweet a few times a day, retweeting often keeps the communication flowing. Can you block the ability for people to retweet what you tweeted? Note: If you want to view your hidden replies, then you will have to click or tap on the hidden reply icon, which will be available in the bottom-right of your original Tweet. Step 1: From a reply to one of your Tweets, you simply need to tap on the three-dotted icon. The Latest Twitter Trend: Manual Retweet Shaming - BuzzFeed News One of the most common spam violations we see is the use of multiple accounts and the Twitter developer platform to attempt to artificially amplify or inflate the prominence of certain Tweets. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. If you set your profile to private when you were setting up your Twitter account and you want others to be able to retweet your tweets, you can change your profile to public. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2. "Obviously, it has its uses in promoting an article or whatever, but when Joke Idiots retweet their own shitty jokes nine hours later to get more faves, that is shit to me," @fart (Jon Hendren) said. 1 - With a web browser (Mac, PC, Linux - no difference) go to www.Twitter.com and sign in. To borrow a. Navigate to the page of the account you'd like to stop seeing retweets from. Select the first option in this menu labeled "Turn off Retweets. If you find users can't retweet you, it probably means your account got switched from "public" to "protected." Select "Settings" from the menu options. How to stop someone from seeing your Twitter posts - Komando.com The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. It's great for sharing tweets that you love. Steps to follow when setting up GroupTweet auto retweet: 1: Connect the twitter account with GroupTweet. Retweeting Your Own Tweets Can Boost Your Reach and Engagement Her work frequently focuses on the health and wellness, science, tech, and food beats. Justin Pot has been writing about technology for over a decade, with work appearing in Digital Trends, The Next Web, Lifehacker, MakeUseOf, and the Zapier Blog. Twitter Retweet FAQS - deleting, RTs, and more Tap Profile in the list of options on the left side of the page. If you're on an Android, you'll see a three-dot icon to the right of their profile picture.. To stop seeing retweets from a specific account, tap that account's profile image, tap the three dots, and select Turn off Retweets. Disabling retweets from someone you follow is the quickest way to clean up your timeline. Here's how to remove a follower using the new feature. Click the circular icon with three horizontal dots to the right of their profile picture. pic.twitter.com/Tz6Tt6l4jn, "I have said 60,000 things on here, and most of them are just awfuldated beyond recognition, insensitive and unfunny, or nonsensical out of context," said @bronzehammer. How to Be a Top Tweeter: 10 Tips That Will Get Your Tweets Noticed You can do this easily by going to Settings in the menu of your Twitter account. While anyone can republish your Tweets, either by Retweeting them on Twitter or using . How to turn off retweets for everyone | by Luca Hammer | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Navigate to the profile of the account you'd like to stop seeing retweets from. The New Outlook for Windows Is Opening Up to More People, 2023 LifeSavvy Media. Mayor Hinges on Voter Rolls, Preventing a Repeat of WWII-Era Imprisonment. This is colloquially known as a "soft block." Yes, we're talking about the retweet. It is the essential source of information and ideas that make sense of a world in constant transformation. While Twitter prohibits you from retweeting your own tweets, there are no limits to the number of times other users may retweet one of your tweets. Visit the particular user's profile page and click the "person" icon to access a drop-down options menu. From here you can click "Turn off Retweets." Once you do that, only Whitson's insightful original comments will get to you. Steps to Mute an Account on Twitter. If you prefer to keep them as a follower but would rather they not be able to retweet your content, you can mute them instead. Now click on "turn off retweets." Congratulations!
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