Like others mentioned, I filter for systems in a state of War on the galaxy map (shows them as orange on galaxy map), go to the system, dock somewhere and go and speak to the Frontline Soultions NPC. The civil war is hit or miss. In the galnet there is an article with the reported attacked systems and the current level of thargoid presence, back in the day people used the Eagle Eye coordinates to determine possible attack locations and stuff, not sure if that is a thing anymore. Actually find more cz's by jumping to random systems. The companion site for Elite:Dangerous. Help? I hope that this strategy will lead to the least errors. Shortly after, a control point in another location becomes active and available for capture. Every normal user How to find good combat zones? :: Elite Dangerous General Discussions In contrast, attractions cannot currently be created or updated automatically and must be Not all stations have this NPC by the way (I think Outposts dont maybe?) Nearest [INARA - Elite:Dangerous] There are three types of Conflict Zones, denoting different concentrations of ships in combat: Low Intensity, Medium Intensity, and High Intensity. Activities When you were peppering that nasty python for like forever, you could have killed several equally ranked ships in RES WHEN LUCKY, of course RES has those nasty downtimes which balances it quite a bit. This includes (compact) stars, planets, belts and rings. Privacy Policy. Pledging is not required. A Striker NPC wielding the Manticore Intimidator. A Conflict Zone is a temporary Signal Source that marks the site of an active battle in space and appears in systems where two minor factions are waging war or civil war against each other. If you see "State: Civil War" there will likely be a conflict zone near the station. Once registered, commanders are directed to board a Frontline Solutions dropship, a converted Vulture, and ride to their destination with up to five other players or NPCs. Stuff I wish I'd remember now :). It was just not possible to keep faction and state information up 2 date. It is based on how tough enemies you kill, e.g. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Join here: Here's the game in the video Equipment usedKeyboard: Blackweb Centaur Mechanical KeyboardAvailable here: (Affiliate)Mouse : Logitech G502 Proteus Spectrum Available here: (Affiliate) CPU : Intel Core i7-7700K Kaby Lake Quad-Core 4.2 GHz LGA 1151Available here: (Affiliate)GPU: ASUS GeForce GTX 1080 8GB ROG STRIX Graphics Card Available here: (Affiliate)HHD: WD Blue 1TB and Seagate Expasion drive 3TAvailable here: (Affiliate)RAM: HyperX Fury DDR4 2133 C15 2X8GBAvailable here: (Affiliate)Mic : Samson MTR101Available here: (Affiliate)Mixer : Behringer Xenyx Q802USBAvailable here: (Affiliate) PlaylistsElite Dangerous drama: Dangerous tutorials: used in video :InspiredKevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License But first I need a little break :). Right now the system state and station state are not in sync with the system faction state of the controlling faction. Update: This has been kindly submitted. Conflict Zone location? :: Elite Dangerous General Discussions it multi-theme capable. the, A new sortable column has been added to the result table of Just wondering if it would be possible to include to the really useful site a Conflict Zone finder from a reference system. I assume you know how to search for war-zones in the galaxy map, but in case you don't, you can untick everything in the pilot's preferences option of the map, except state: war. Stations Finder. If i take a look at the galaxy map and set the filter to incursions there is just no chance to find them as there are only few in the whole galaxy. During times of civil war some factions may also hand out special combat bond missions through the Mission Board which call for the destruction of opposing targets in conflict zones (referred to in combat missions as warzones). This is assumed to be a bug with AI targeting priority. The only exception is any NPCs chasing a player, such as pirates or assassins. Elite Dangerous - How to find a conflict zone - CMDR Flimsie Flimsies Gaming 1.42K subscribers Subscribe 3.5K views 4 years ago Elite Dangerous - How to find a conflict zone -. lot of bodies have been imported already. Found a bug? A complete refactoring of the SCSS was necessary (moving all color The problem (yes, of course, we got one): The whole faction data quality on EDDB is utterly bad. Ground combat zones are really good money. : r/EliteDangerous - reddit The basic idea is that players For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Only with his help I was able to offer the huge amount of body images. There are no more than three points active at any time. LHS 3531 . Elite Galaxy Online, here, options. Adding all new commodities, ships and ship modules. JavaScript is disabled. Jump to any station or search by many properties. not working anymore. Use this thing called search in the forums, or even google. btw: Please leave one or two of them for us casual players to raid :). A jQuery update broke a selector which lead to the commodity price development chart Filter by Allegiance, Power Faction, Station Precense and many more. Ships are much better not only in combat rank, but in armor as well then their counter parts in RES. the API page for more information. Elite Dangerous - How to find a conflict zone - CMDR Flimsie All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. bodies. Beacons! N/A I have seen civil war systems without conflict zones as well. This allows better error detection and cleaner data Unknown stations coming from EDDN are being created automatically. Pledging is not required. values in variables and generalizing structures) and that took some time. cleaned as much as possible. This might change at a later point though. And to answer your question, there are a few ways to find the conflict zones: 1: use the galnet weekly conflict updates to track down systems in a civil war or war. I am very pleased to present you the new section How to find conflict zones in odyssey? : r/EliteDangerous - reddit Yeah being able to filter by state is huge we've been askig for a long time to have a way to find conflict zones. Anchorage in that system. Conflict Zone are visually boring as there is no objects other than background galaxy, however they are very hectic in action, they are pure shoot'em ups, a real quake frag fests. (Or you could just provoke a state by doing missions.). They usually do though. nm, retracting my post it just bugged lol, Just passing through Nuakea - has one moon with three CZ's (low and medium, no highs), Well if the moon Korbu on Nuakea shows you CZ'S then there must be a bug, it doesen't show me any CZ (yellow ICON with crossing swords). commodities, materials and trade routes in Elite: The official introduction of the detailed distribution of materials on bodies made the logging almost obsolete. Complete rewrite of the EDDN parser. Where to find High Intensity Conflict Zones? : r/EliteDangerous - reddit I'm in Cubeo right now (Aisling Duval). Short answer: Use a program like EDMC while playing the game, and every time you visit a system or a station, EDDB is being updated with the latest data. Most shipbased weapons are somewhat ineffective against ground targets, but the explosive splash damage of Missile Racks and Pack-Hound Missile Racks makes them ideal for targeting troops on the surface. Until then - good luck in finding profitable routes. To avoid that manual maintenance of the data records leads to a deterioration of the data Its very annoyning when your trying to progress your compat cank as Dangerous and that pesky competent cobra attacks you. Journal changes. A combat mission with a conflict zone (warzone) as target type. EDDB 2023 - A site about systems, bodies, stations, logged on to ROSS may only update certain properties such as the controlling faction. 7 yr. ago I'm not sure about how to specifically find High Intensity ones, but to find Conflict Zones in general you want to filter your map by relatively high population and then look at stations in each system. Then the Commodity Finder is All in all the development of the whole feature took much longer than expected. outfitting and shipyard is still offline. Update: This has been fixed! Elite Dangerous- Odyssey - Conflict Zones, Elite Dangerous Odyssey Conflict Zone Update 7 Cinematic. It took far longer than I anticipated. How are people posting about going to conflict zones and making "x" number of dollars every day then? Just filter Systems with ongoing Wars in the galaxy map and it is very easy to find one. special user group with more permissions can be assigned on request. I understand some of you Commanders are amateurs of asteroid craters, so here's a huge one, approximatively 22-23 km deep, found in the Sanguineous Rim, system Slegeae AD-V b8-0, Planet 2. A new marker reflects planetary stations throughout EDDB Elite: Dangerous Database - EDDB quality, attractions can be updated with two different access levels. Conflict Zones are very good for that, as they are guaranteed to endlessly spawn high rank AI ships. Conflict zones are war zones, full of ships with extra armour and shields and frequently engineering effects as well. If the player is critically injured, they immediately redeploy aboard one of these dropships, where they can examine an overhead map of the Conflict Zone and change their Loadout if desired while they wait for the dropship to complete its descent from orbit. The planet also contains some Bacterium Informem due to its nitrogenous atmosphere (easy to find in the crater) 1 / 8 271 28 r/EliteDangerous Join 27 days ago By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. War means an invading faction is at war with another minor faction in that sector. I expect to get the parsing back within a week. The only way to do it right, is to check the system map of every single system one by one and check to see if any factions are at war, as was mentioned above. Threat Level(s) Filter bodies and find materials or resource sites. Find your stations that sell the ship and the modules you want. My usual Killer ship is the FDL, but I was nostalgic of the FAS (not as much firepower). Browse the universe! To find conflict zone you need to find a system in war state. Those are likely Odyssey Update 7 added anti-ship turrets and Enforcer personnel to Conflict Zones. Market data, CMDR's logs, squadrons, logbooks, galleries, powerplay, engineers, blueprints, crafting, galaxy info, news and more. Three new station facilities have been added and can be used as a filter in the. Conflict Zone (On Foot) All factions can deploy non-faction combat ships of any kind, from the Eagle MkII up to the Anaconda. Hey Guys, I know you can have a look on several ax-squad-websites where actual incursions are. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Bored from being set on the same route? This is for you! PMC Elite Dangerous, Conflict Zones Any station which has its State marked on the System Map as War or Civil War is guaranteed to have conflict zones. 1 Related Topics Elite Dangerous Space combat game Space simulator Action game Sim game Gaming 6 comments Best Add a Comment All NPCs spawning in Conflict Zones are fighters aligned with either of the warring factions. I've tried to use it half a dozen times and never had any joy out of it. Sometimes they don't have any. Filter bodies and find materials or resource sites. Some other ones do not, yet have factions that are at war or civil war. You can join our Phase 3: Features, Fixes, and Known Issues - Elite Dangerous: Odyssey EDDB as ready as possible for the new content. The Galnet tells you about the Alexandria-Megaship, but that incursion is over. Look on your galaxy map for the icon showing a mission destination. Instead you can find all changes on the. More specifically we Browse the universe! Filter by Allegiance, Star Distance, Landing Pad and many more. I hope this helps! for Frontier to fix their API. This includes system renames, new modules and and our Unfortunately Frontiers API for prices, Combat. All we can do now is wait the Systems or Finding Conflict zones : r/EliteDangerous Posted by harrimant12 Finding Conflict zones So as I understood it, conflict zones are only supposed to appear in "War" state systems, however, I am currently in the Neto system and it says its in "boom," but still has half a dozen conflict zones in it.
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