Cambria County Vital Records Federal Census 1830, 1840 US Gen Web Archives. Name Birth date Birth location Death date Death location Spouse; FARABAUGH, Mary Matilda: March 05, 1856: E. Carroll Twp., Cambria Co., PA: April 16, 1947 Original Rights Reserved for all Submitters. Loretto (transcribed by Brian Cartwright) Richland (transcribed by Brian J. Ensley) New Jersey rebecca.m google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1758473191854726"; What counties are adjacent to Cambria County, PA? Softbound, 345 pages. Last Name. I will provide you with copies of any articles or photosthat appeared in the newspaper. Obituaries The county seat is Ebensburg. Nebraska You can search online for Cambria CountyBirth, Marriage, Divorce or Death Records. If you had ancestors who lived in Cambria County, PA, I will find them! Pennsylvania Antique Maps. To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived into the U.S. School Yearbooks database - even a guess can help. Q-T Marriage Notices: Quinn-Canny, Quinn-Geis, Rager-Berg, Rainey- Brown, Reafner-Wagner, Reagan-Fox, Reese-Jones, Our goal is to help you track your ancestors through time by transcribing genealogical and historical data and Montana Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. $2 fee applies to EVERY spelling of each last name you request. The County Seat is located inEbensburgand in addition the county government website Virginia Kansas 6194202 nd . Receive an actual copy of obituary notice(s). was named for the nation of Wales. 1820 Census Cambria County vital records can be found at thePennsylvania Office of Vital Recordshas copies of birth and death records since 1906 and death records. would like to participate in identifying the listings of your local library, Vermont Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. With records available for more than 300 years of the state's history, your family is sure to be found in a variety of records available online and at the many archives and libraries located throughout the state. About this page: This list compiles occupation and service lists as found in other sources, with the goal of being able to search and cross-reference the names to see all the places where one person served. View this catalog record in WorldCat for other possible copy locations. Find Cambria County, Pennsylvania death records, and learn about the fees and process for requesting copies of certified death certificates. atau mungkin Anda memerlukan situs web alternatif terbaik ? You can find free down-loadable and alsoprintable census formsto help you with your research. PA Ancestor Records, County Vital Records County Census Records County Courthouse and Government Records Apakah Anda ingin tahu tentang peringkat, penilaian atau estimasi lalu lintas? What genealogical records can I find in the Cambria County Courthouse? Cronan- Mullheron, Cullen-Litzinger, Davidson-Murphy, Davis-Davis, Davis-Elliott, Davis-Evans(2), Davis-Griffith, Undoubtedly, 2022 All rights reserved. your questions about this county's history or to help you with your family's genealogy within this county. How to Use the Atlas of Historical County Boundaries, Clearfield County (Pennsylvania) Genealogy, Westmoreland County (Pennsylvania) Genealogy. Home; Trees; Search; DNA; . Federal Population Schedules are available for1790-1890,1900,1910,1920,1930,1940. Home; Trees; . Birth, marriage, and death records are connected with central life events. Severin-Sharbaugh, Shank-Foster, Sharp-Clements, Sharp-Paul, Sharp-Trotter, Sherin- Donahoe, Shields-Luther, Shoemaker-Ivory, Burgoon-Hines, Burk-Skally, Burkhart-Jones, Caldwell-Levergood, Callan-Felts, Carroll-Leavy, Chase-Murray, Clark-Culbertson, To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version or install another browser. The Cambria County Genealogy Search (Pennsylvania) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Cambria County public records. The microfilm may have been scanned, but have a contractual, data privacy, or other restriction preventing access. Lowman-Heyer, Lowman-Stackhouse, Lumadue-Thustin, Lutringer-Wertner, Lutz-Evans, Lynch-Gallagher, Lynch- O'Kieffe Cambria County (Pa.) -- History, Cambria County (Pa.) -- Genealogy Publisher New York, Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company Collection newyorkpubliclibrary; americana Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor New York Public Library Language English Volume 3. I am a trained Ancestry Search Professional. Georgia No information can be copied or reproduced from this website without the prior consent of the webmaster. Softbound, 76 pages Atlas of the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 1911 Price $20; Members $15. Great for Niagara County Decor, Gift idea or collection. You must give me a description of the event and date. This County currently does not have a host. Colorado on the Internet. West Virginia Covering the States of : Cambria County Historical Society, 615 N. Center Street Ebensburg, PA 15931-1122. I know where to look and can save you time. Marriage certificates may be obtained at the Register of Wills in the Cambria County Courthouse in Ebensburg. Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. is privately owned and is not an official site of FamilySearch International or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). We also have Facebook page. Stough-Mills, Strayer-Snyder, Stuver-Braillier, Suppes-Jackson, Swanker-Storm, Sweeny- Sees, Swope-Cooper, Thomas-Davis(2), Hay-Suppes, Harvey-Murray, Hasson-Williams, Heck-Litenberger, Hedrick-Shryock , Henderson-Foster, Henry-Kittell, Tennessee Other municipal and Pennsylvania State offices also maintain records that are useful for tracing lineage. LDS Genealogy -Cambria CountyMiscellaneous Records, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria CountyResources, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PAMiscellaneous, Genealogy Trails History Group- Cambria County, PACommunities, LDS Genealogy -Cambria County Records by City/Town, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria CountyTownships, -Cambria County, PennsylvaniaCommunities, - Stories from PA History, Indians of Pennsylvania Genealogy - FamilySearch Wiki, Indian Tribes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and North West Territories, 1822, Indian Villages, Towns and Settlements of Pennsylvania, Personal Names of Indians of Pennsylvania, SAMA-Loretto Exhibition Highlights Early Native American Photographs, This Week In Pennsylvania Archaeology: Cambria County, Genealogy Trails History Group- Cambria County, PANews, LDS Genealogy -Cambria CountyNewspapers and Obituaries, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PANewspaper Articles, Genealogy Trails History Group- Cambria County, PAObituaries, Index of Obituaries Published in Johnstown, PA Newspapers, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria CountyIn Memoriam, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria CountyObituary Index, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PAObituaries & Other Death Records, Historic Photos and Vintage Postcards of Pennsylvania, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PAPhotographs, LDS Genealogy -Cambria County School Records, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria CountySchools, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PAEducation Records, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PAReform Schools/Prisons, -Cambria County, PennsylvaniaEducation, JAHA - Johnstown Area Heritage Association, Johnstown Area Genealogical and Historical Society, Johnstown Flood Museum - Johnstown Area Heritage Association, Wagner-Ritter House - Johnstown Area Heritage Association, Western Pennsylvania Genealogical Society, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria County1861 Chest Twp Tax List, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria County1894 Reade Twp Tax List, Cambria County, Pennsylvania Vital Records, LDS Genealogy -Cambria CountyBirth Records, LDS Genealogy -Cambria CountyDeath Records, LDS Genealogy -Cambria CountyMarriage Records, PAGenWeb Project - Cambria CountyMarriages, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PABirth Records, USGenWeb Archives- Cambria County, PAMarriage Records, -Cambria County Vital Records. Mississippi Skip Ancestry navigation Main Menu. Find Cambria County, Pennsylvania death records, and learn about the fees and process for requesting copies of certified death certificates. Wharton-Sweeny, Wherry-Parrish, White-Parker, Wike-Humphreys, Will-Donoughe, Williams-Peach, Williams-Rees, Williams- *, $4 per obituary you must provide name of deceased and year of death. google_ad_width = 336; Note: Affiliate links are used within the directory on this site and a small contribution goes to the website for some purchases made. Research genealogy for Sarah "Sadie" Stull of Cambria, Cambria, Pennsylvania, USA, as well as other members of the Stull family, on Ancestry. Tickerhoof- M'Mullin, Todd-Glass, Trinkle-Brophy, Trotter-Fick, Trotter-George Find United States City Directories. Hello, my name is Nancy Piperand I am your Pennsylvania State host. Hold "Ctrl" key for Bracken-Christy, Brady-Magachey, Brallier-Kinports, Brallier-Warham, Brant-Martin, Brawley-Glass, Brenneman-Kring, Newspapers were published August 10, 1801 to Present. function getQuery(form) { Rees-Jones, Reilly-M'Cormick, Rhoads-Dumm, Rhodes-Fresh, Rhody-Miller, Richardson-White, Riffel, James, Roberts-Carmon, Census Records 1820: Cambria County Genealogy Trails. Submit View Cambria County, Pennsylvania birth certificate information, including required identification and fees for certified copy requests. Search and browse yearbooks online! You will receive an actual copy of page(s) from Johnstown City directory. Alaska Cambria County Vital Records Offices hold birth, marriage, and death records that date back hundreds of years. Free We're 100% free for everything!' FamilyTree FamilyTree Now. Death Notices: William McConnell - Transcribed by Donald Buncie There are many types of census records for Cambria County guide you in researching yourfamily tree. Kinkead-Lewis, Kittell-McCann, Kittell-McMillin, Koon-Evans, Koon-Troxell, Koonts-Burns, Kopelin-Kern, Kough-Evans, See AlsoPennsylvania Census Records Research Guide. The below facts shows exactly what death, marriage, birth, property, wills, and court records are typically in Cambria County. View Cambria County, Pennsylvania marriage certificate and license requirements, including fees for certified marriage record copy requests. I must pull the hard copies or microfilms and look for each variation. Lemmon-Fritz, Levy-Todd, Lewis-Duff, Lewis-Evans, Lightner-Rhey, Lilly-Burke, Lilly-Lewlin , Lingle-Pringle, Litzinger-Cannon, Gough-Williams, Gray-Rager, Grazier-Shinkle, Grew-Dempsey, Griffiths-Davis, Hagan-McLaughlin, Hall-Warford, Hannah-Edelblute, Cambria County Divorce Certificates if(form.gsln.value) {
if(form.gsfn.value) Perform a free Cambria County, PA public genealogy records search, including genealogy ancestry histories, family search histories, and family trees. Please refer to the information to theStatewide Vital Records in Pennsylvaniafor current fees and application process. Missouri Parke-Levergood, Parks-Selders, Parrish-Holder, Parrish-Myers, Patterson-Jones, Pershing-Royer, Piper-Moore, Platt-Rager, Disasters . Michigan form.links.value = 1; Cambria County is a county located in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Union County Pennsylvania Soldiers in the Civil War Union County PA Civil War Rosters For additional regiments and more detailed information about the following regiments including wounded, killed in action, promotions, regimental history and battles fought, see Bates' History of the Pennsylvania Volunteers 4th Regiment. Abraham Crum b.August 14, 1810 in Pennsylvania; d.December 2, 1875 in Summerhill Township, Cambria County, Pennsylvania; He was the son of John Crum, and one of seven children: John, Cornelius, Abraham, Kate, Elizabeth, Phoebe and Mary. Baldridge-Lovell, Bannan-M'Closkey, Barker-Zahm, Barkley-Dillon, Becker-Sanker, Behm-Wentz, Bender-Buzer, Bendon- [A desire to transcribe data and knowledge of how to make a basic webpage is required.] Get info on Thomas Cambria - Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania - (717) 554-6244. Lompoc High School - La Purisima Yearbook (Lompoc, CA), Class of 1948, Page 51 of 82 | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Suggest Listing Geshner-Mack, Gibson-Ewing, Gill-Wentz, Gillespie-Daily, Gillin-Straley, Glass-Brawley, Glass-Fox, Gorman-Palmer, }, AllRevolutionary WarMilitaryGenealogyCivil WarNaturalizationWorld War IINewspapersPhotos, AllALAKAZARCACOCTDEFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY, PA Birth Records Cambria County Website.
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